Þetta er of fyndið… þetta er tekið af heimasíðu RCL… 4thWehr er btw. klanið sem Abeo tók í ósmurðan um daginn….
[4thWehr] Rommel
Suprem OverLord

Location: California
WE ARE OUTTA HERE MOTHA FUCKAS !!!! As you can tell from our leadrs post that from between cheating whore clans from iceland who think theyre all sneaky by using engine aim and qxy and playing it off as “we so good we can do the impossible” theyre just taking advantage of the trusting and sportsmenship of this league when they do get caught and they will save a hole for me AND IT IS FUCKING FRUSTRATING when we have a dedicated a loyal clan of 15+ guys which 9-11 of them show up for a match and the othe team dosent have they shit together and the admin keeps putting of the prematch agin agin and agin trust me it sucks and its not fair for us and our team mates that get gut becuase of the retardid in the other team and were not gunn but ANY anount of money down for this shit So as for as Im concerned you all can have each other if u guys like cheating bastards from iceland flying arounf the screnn doing nija flips over you and shooting you in the back well more power to ya frankly we dont give a damn anymore LATE !!!!
<br><br>Pinko Elephanto
[Necro]Bleiki Fillinn