ESF Mod fyrir Half-Life

ESF = Earth Specail Forces.

Hann er svoldið snilld, en það versta er engin íslenskur server og maður laggar of mikið á útlönskum til að spila hann ;(

Þetta er svona eginlega eins og street fighters gerir upp powers með höndunum, hausnum og fleira :)<br><br>Kv: Gearbolt
<img src="“><br><a href=”“ target=”new">Which Hellsing character are you?</a>
You're Seras, the novice vampire and policewoman. You have been underestimated all your life and seem to be constantly proving yourself to others. Although inner conflicts leave you anxious and confused, you have the strength to overcome them. You are often looked upon as a much-needed figure of sweetness and normalcy in dark atmospheres.