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<br><br>Mystery-| (IRC)
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[Necro]Jackson (DoD)
Almar (RealLife)

“Guns dont kill people,people kill people”

<img src="“ alt=”Legolas“><p><b>Legolas Greenleaf</b></p><p>If I were a character in <A HREF=”“ TARGET=”_“><I>The Lord of the Rings</I></A>, I would be Legolas, Elf, a son of the King of Mirkwood.</p><p>In the movie, I am played by <A HREF=”“ TARGET=”_“>Orlando Bloom</A>.</p><p>Who would <I>you</I> be?<br><A HREF=”“>Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test</A> with <A href=”">Perseus Web Survey Software</a></p
“Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest”