1. Complete withdrawal from the community into an enclosed space with a mouse and a monitor.

2. Uncontrollable cursing and screaming. Loved ones think you do this out of insanity, but you can't believe you didn't kill that son of a bitch.

3. While at a party and someone is talking about something you don't care to listen to, you tend to find yourself thinking about where in the room would be the best place to snipe them from.

4. While walking down the street you have “Complete Situational Awareness,” knowing full well those Terrorists are tricky bastards.

5. When engaging in hostile words with your neighbor for “those war sounds that come from your house at all hours of the day and night,” you think to yourself: “if I had my Colt this conversation would be over with.”

6. When your girlfriend's mother walks into the room you hear the words “Enemy Spotted” in your head.

7. Whenever you see a cop you have an uncontrollable urge to start jumping from side to side.

8. The word camping refers more and more to your playing style, rather than what you do with a tent.

9. You have a fascination with converting where you work or your school into a CS level.

10. While in an argument with your girlfriend about “how much time you spend playing that game,” you respond very angrily, “Well when you get taken hostage by terrorists, don't expect me to come rescue you!”
