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The Day Before The Struggle Begins
Posted on Tuesday, February 5, 2002 by Thunder_Weenie

On June 5, 1944, one day before D-Day, most of the million-odd German troops stationed in France and the Netherlands were dispersed along the Atlantic Wall, a 2,400-mile coastal barrier of powerful fortresses, lesser fortifications, innumerable machine gun nests and long stretches of formidable terrain. Most of the 3.5 million Allied troops in Britain were concentrated in southern England, in marshaling areas around the major embarkation ports. Across the English Channel, in the strongest sector of the Atlantic Wall, some 20 German divisions manned the French coast between two fortresses - the ports of Cherbourg, on the Cotentin Peninsula in Normandy, and Calais, well to the northeast. The very next day, these two great forces would begin the battle that would decide the fate of the war.

For it was now only 24 hours away…….

Hljómar þetta eins og tease núna eða hvað? Að taka svona úrdrátt úr mannkynsögunni og setja þetta á heimasíðu modsins… bara til að sjá viðbrögð fólks?

Either way, þá mun ég bíða þartil í nótt :D