ég sjálfur er bunnyhoppari. Nota þetta í clanmötchum í TFC þar sem lítið er um mótmæli. En nú hefur valve ákveðið að taka þetta út.

Valve have finally taken a stand on the Bunnyhopping issue, though once again in their own way.
Eric Johnson was reported to have visited the #hlds on gamesnet last week to answer questions and stated on the issue of bunnyhopping that Valve intends to remove BH with the next client patch. To my knowledge no further information were given how Valve will achieve this, but apparently Erik said it would have no effect on concjumping. It's unsure though if the intended fix will have any effect on related movement techniques like gliding and strafejumping.
So BH will be removed in the next client patch.
Now we know Valve for bundling their patches on bugfixes with new content (maps or new features). Maps and new features usually require playtests. Depending on those features a lot of playtests (I just remember how long it took until the patch was finished). While Valve releases smaller server patches once in a while to address bugs which can be fixed server side, client patches are rather rare.
Why does it has to be that way all the time? While I understand that Valve is hesitant to release more patches than necessary (because each patch means to change a working program which could as well introduce new bugs and errors) I don't quite see why we should have to wait for bug fixes which are ready to be applied until Valve is finished testing their new toys for us (nothing against new features, though).

Allt viðtalið finnst á http://www.planetfortress.com/fort/
ég efast ekki um að flestir séu ánægðir en ekki ég =(

| F | Robbi_Supe