Það er að fara koma út nýtt addon drasl svipað og Opposing Force reyndar er það gert af þeim sömu Gearbox Software. Þú leikur öryggisvörð í þessu nýja addoni og þú færð að fara á staði í Black Mesa stofnuninni sem Gordon fékk ekki að fara


Return to Black Mesa as the security guard who allied with Gordon Freeman in the original, award-winning thriller.
Includes: Half-Life HD Pack. Automatically upgrade all your Half-Life weapons and characters with new high definition content.
32-Person Multiplayer. Battle opponents from around the world in Capture the Flag and more Half-Life online games.
Learn more about the incidents at Black Mesa, and explore new areas of this mysterious government facility.
Blue Shift contains the award winning artificial intelligence, animation, and technology that made Half-Life PC Gamer's “Greatest Game of All Time.”
Also includes: Half-Life: Opposing Force (in North America), the award-winning action thriller that places you in the boots of a military specialist assigned to eliminate Gordon Freeman.
