Jæja, í kvöld áttum við close leik við Belgíu sem endaði í tapi. En þegar nánar var litið á málið kom í ljós að Belgar voru að nota exploits (þ.e.a.s. flasha fyrir vegginn á B bombsite í dust2)

Þetta er á www.clanbase.com undir Nations Cup -> Counter-Strike

“Belgium versus Iceland case
by: chR1z - Comments (2)
Already during, but even more after the match I got several Queries on IRC that Belgium threw a Flashbang over a wall which is not allowed ( Throwing grenades through the skybox over walls is not allowed - Rules )

As I watched the demos, I found not only one, but four violations by Team Belgium and none by Team Iceland. Usually the team, which broke this rule is notified by the admin not to repeat it. Anyway the admin did not realise, that they threw Flashbangs over the walls and therefore could not warn them (You cant expect an admin always to be at the right position).

Referring to a very similar case, which happened in the current EuroCup (SK.swe vs A-Laget), it's the best decision to handle it equal, meaning Belgium would lose 2 points for each violation - resulting in a total substraction of 8 points. Due to the close match, this violation changes the whole result. So Belgium loses 18:30 to Iceland

Saying you didn't know it was not allowed won't change the situation in any way. In the end this should teach you to read the rules and follow them, so hopefully we won't have to change another result because of this.

Your Supervisors Aknot and chR1z

P.S: I also did four little video clips in which you'll see the different violations - get them here”

here í endann = http://www.clanbase.com/demodl.php?did=51003

Þarna eru 4 vídjóklippur af brotunum þeirra.
Á til dæmis númer 3 notar hann flashið til að blocka bakið á sér.
Greinilegt violation.

Endaði s.s. með sigri Íslands 30-18.
Sigurður Helgason