Kærastarnir hennar Phoebe. . . . Ég skrifaði niður alla kærasta Phoebe frá 1 - 5 seríu. Þeir eru þó nokkuð margir og þó nokkuð skrýtnir [flestir]. Ég skrifaði niður qoute úr með hverjum einstaklingi. Phoebe getur verið alveg MET !!! Nei, bíddu við . . . . hún er MET !!!

Sería 1 :

Tony ;
Phoebe sást nú ekkert með honum. Bara þegar hún var að hætta með honum. Chandler hætti með Janice á sama tíma því þau héldu að það yrði auðveldara.
[Phoebe og Chandler eru bæði inni á Central Perk tilbúinn að hætta með Tony og Janice]
Chandler: Where are they? Where are they?
Phoebe: This is nice. We never do anything just the two of us.
Chandler: It´s great. Maybe tomorrow we can rent a car and run over some puppies.
Phoebe: Eww, I don´t wanna do that.

David :
David the scientist guy var næstur. Þau hittust þegar Phoebe var að syngja á Central Perk og skammaði hann fyrir að tala á meðan. Þau voru ofboðslega \“ástfangin\” en urðu að hætta saman þegar David fékk starf í Rússlandi. Hann kom aftur í 7undu seríu en þá var hann bara á stuttri ráðstefnu í New York og kom til að hitta Phoebe.
Phoebe: You´re going to Minsk.
David: No, I´m . . . not going to Minsk.
Phoebe: Oh, you are so going to Minsk. You belong in Minsk. You can´t stay here just cause of me.
David: Yes I can. Because if I go it means I have to break up with you, and I can´t break up with you.
Phoebe: Oh yes, yes, yes you can. Just say, um, \'Phoebe, my work is my life and that´s what I have to do right now. And I say \'your work?! Your work?! How can you say that?!\'. And then you say, um, \'it´s tearing me apart, but I have no choice. Can´t you understand that?\'. And I say (Slær hann) no! No! I can´t understand that!\'.
David: Uh, ow.
Phoebe: Ooh, sorry. Um, and, and then you put your arms around me. And then you put your arms around me. And, um, and then you tell me that you love me and you\'ll never forget me.

Roger var sálfræðingur sem sálgreindi alla. Í endann hötuðu allir hann, þ.á.m Phoebe.
Roger: You´re so funny! He´s really funny! I wouldn´t wanna be there when when the laughter stops.
Chandler: Whoah whoah, back up there, Sparky. What´d you mean by that?
Roger: Oh, just seems as though that maybe you have intimacy issues. Y\'know, that you use your humour as a way of keeping people at a distance.
Chandler: Huh.
Roger: I mean hey! I just met you, I don\'t know you from Adam . . . . Only child, right? Parents divorced before you hit puberty.
Chandler: Uhhuh, how did you know that?
Roger: It´s textbook.

Sería 2

Við sáum Scott aldrei. Hún talaði bara um hann við Vinina. Þessi sem fékk Phoebe til að \“biðja\” hann um að sofa hjá henni, fékk hana til að segja að hann þyrfti aldrei að hringja í hana aftur og fékk hana til að halda að þetta væri góð hugmynd ! Goðið hans Joey.
Rachel: Hey Phoebs, how´d it go with Scott last night?
Phoebe: Oh, um, it was nice. Took him to a romantic restraunt, ordered champagne, nice.
Joey: The guy still won´t put out, huh?
Phoebe: Nope. Zilch, nothin\', uh-uh.
Allir: Sorry Phoebs.
Phoebe: Look, I, y´know, I don´t mind taking it slow, I like him a lot, y´know he´s really interesting and he´s really sweet and why won´t he give it up?
Joey: Maybe he, uhh… drives his car on the other side of the road, if ya know what I mean.
Phoebe: No, whad´ya mean? He´s not British.
Joey: Maybe he´s . . . gay.
Phoebe: Oohh, um, no, I don´t think that´s the problem. \'Cause we went, um, dancing the other night and the way he held me so close, and the way he was looking into my eyes I just like… definitely felt something.
Rachel: Yeah, but how much can you tell from a look?
Phoebe: No, I felt it on my hip. You could tell.

Rob Dohnen:
Chris Isaac lék gestahlutverk sem kærasti Phoebe. Hann fékk Phoebe til að spila fyrir börnin á bókasafni þar sem hann vann við að útvega svona uppákomur en Pheebs var \“rekin\” fyrir of gróft mál í lögunum (samt snilldarlög).
Quote; [eitt glæsilegt lag sem Phoebe söng fyrir börnin]
PHOEBE: OK, um, I\'m gonna play, um, some songs about grandparents, OK. [singing]
Now, grandma´s a person who everyone likes,
she bought you a train and a bright, shiny bike.
But lately she hasn´t been coming to dinner,
And last time you saw her she looked so much thinner.
Now, your mom and your dad said she moved to Peru,
but the truth is she died and some day you will too.
La-la-la la la-la-la la la-la-la la . . .

PHOEBE: [annað lag]
There\'ll be times when you get older
when you´ll want to sleep with people
just to make them like you . . . .
But don´t.
Cause that´s another thing that you don´t wanna do, everybody
That´s another thing that you don´t wanna do.
MONICA: Excellent!
CHANDLER: Very informative!
RACHEL: Not at all inappropriate!

Annar frægur gestaleikari lék næsta. Það var Charlie Sheen sem kafbátsmaður sem kemur upp á yfirborðið annað hvert ár og hann og Phoebe eyða þremur ótrúlegum dögum saman. Phoebe fékk því miður einmitt hlaupabóluna á sama tíma og hann kom.
PHOEBE: Hey Ryan, what´s up?
RYAN: What´s goin\' on?
PHOEBE: Well, no no, you have to stay back. I, I have the pox.
RYAN: Chicken or small?
PHOEBE: Chicken. Which is so ironic considering I´m a vegetarian.
RYAN: Why aren´t you at home in bed?
PHOEBE: \'Cause my, my grandmother´s never had chicken pox. Please, please tell me you have, \'cause oh my God, I forgot how cute you are.
RYAN: I´m sorry, I never had \'em.
PHOEBE: Ohh, ohh.
RYAN: If I had one wish, it would be to build a time machine, go back to when I was 7, when Jimmy Hauser had the chicken pox. I would grab that kid and rub him all over my face.
PHOEBE: Yeah, or you know, you could just wish that I didn´t have them now.

3. Sería

Þriðji frægi leikarinn og þar að auki núverandi eiginmaður Courtney Cox (Monica) lék næsta kærasta Phoebe. Malcolm elti Phoebe fyrir mistök því hann hélt að hún væri Ursula, tvíburasystir Phoebe. Eitt leiddi að öðru og þau byrjuðu saman. Hún gat ekki verið með honum lengur því hann gat ekki hætt að elta Ursulu, hann var með hana á \“heilanum\”.
GUY: Oh, that´s great. I´m stalking the wrong woman. I am such a dingus!
PHOEBE: Oh, you´re not a dingus.
MALCOLM: I just, I want you to know I didn´t used to be like this. Before I meet your sister I was like this normal guy who sold beepers and cellular phones.
PHOEBE: Well, I mean look it´s, it´s not your fault, you know. I mean this is just what, what she does to guys, okay.
MALCOLM: Well thanks. (byrjar að fara)
PHOEBE: Wait, (grípur í hann) you know what, I got a little story. When I was in Junior High School I went through this period where I thought I was a witch. And there was this guidance counselor who said something to me, that I think will help you a lot. He said okay, you´re not a witch you´re just an average student. See what I´m saying?
MALCOLM: Not really.

Alltaf sást í \“litla Robert\”. Hver man ekki eftir manninum sem var alltaf í stuttbuxum, og allir sáu í \“lilla Robba\”. Að lokum sá Phoebe í lillann og hætti með honum.
Robert: Hey.
Phoebe: Hey. Ooh! Don´t sit down!
Robert: You ready to go to the batting cage?
Phoebe: Yeah. And, first here´s a gift.
Robert: Oh! Wow! Hey!
Chandler: Stretchy pants! Why, those are the greatest things in the world! If I were you I would wear them every day, every day!
Robert: Jeez, thank you really that is so nice. But um, to be honest, I don´t think I can wear these, they´re so tight, I feel like I´m on display. I´m sorry.
Phoebe: That´s all right, that´s well, I figured . . . . (þau byrja að fara)

Maðurinn sem Phoebe skildi aldrei. Hann talaði Rússnesku og þau þurftu alltaf að hafa túlk með sér. Phoebe bað Monicu um að koma með sér á date með Sergei og vera date túlksins. Það endaði með því að Monica og túlkurinn töluðu saman allt kvöldið og Sergei og Phoebe sátu aðgerðarlaus og skildu ekki neitt í hvor öðru.
Mischa: [við Monicu] And the vet said it was time. And so from half a world away, while my Mother held the phone to his ear, I said good bye to my dog,. In seven languages.
Monica: Oh. [við Phoebe] Can I have a tissue?
Phoebe: Oh, yeah, sure. I just hope you, hope you don´t accidentally suck it up through your nose and choke on it.
Mischa er túlkurinn.

Vince & Jason
Þátturinn þar sem Phoebe gerðist villt. Hún hitti tvo gaura á sama tíma og ákvað að vera með þeim báðum. Slökkvimaðurinn Vince og leikskólakennarinn Jason. Auðvitað endaði allt í háaloftunum, þeir rákust á hvorn annan á Central Perk þegar Phoebe var að syngja.
Jason: (kemur til hennar) Hey. I was . . . .
Phoebe: Hey !
Jason: I was passin\' by and I saw that you were playing tonight, it´s kinda cool seeing you up there. (kyssir hana)
Vince: (kemur hlaupandi) Whoa ! Hey-hey ! What´s going on here? Who is this guy?
Phoebe: I don´t know, he just started kissing me. Get him! Get him, Vince!
Vince: What ?!
Jason: What ?!
Phoebe: Yeah, okay, I´ve - I´ve been dating both of you, and it´s been really horrible. Cause y´know it´s been a lot of fun, for me. Umm, but I-I like you both, and I, and I didn´t know how to chose, so… I´m sorry, I´m just, I´m terrible, I´m a terrible person. I´m terrible.
Vince: Phoebe, Phoebe relax, it´s okay. I mean we never said this was \“exclusive\”.
Jason: Yeah, and neither did we. Give yourself a break.
Phoebe: Really ?!
Jason: Yeah. I mean y\'know, we haven´t been going out that long. Come on, we haven´t even slept together yet. Huh.
Vince: You haven´t ?
Jason: You have ?
Phoebe: Well, this is none of my business. (byrjar að ganga í burtu)
Jason: [við Phoebe] I-I can´t believe this! You - you´ve slept with him !?!
Phoebe: Well, I made you a candle light dinner in the park.
Jason: Y´know Phoebe, I´m gonna make this real easy for you. (gengur út)
Phoebe: [við Vince] Well, that could´ve been really awkward.
Vince: You made him a candle light dinner in the park?
Phoebe: Yeah, but I-I-I-I can do that for you, I´m gonna do that for you.
Vince: Uh yeah, I can´t believe I ever went out with somebody who would actually have an open flame in the middle of a wooden area. (gengur út)

4 sería

Það var enginn kærastinn hennar beint í fjórðu seríu. Hún var náttúrlega ófrísk af börnum bróður síns snemma í seríunni. Ég mundi bara eftir einum, og það var bara smáskot, enginn kærasti.

Hann var viðskiptavinur hennar í nuddinu og hún varð brjálæðislega skotin í honum. Hún meira að segja BEIT HANN Í RASSINN í einum nuddtímanum. Seinna kom í ljós að hann var giftur.
[Þetta er úr atriðinu þar sem Phoebe hefur játað fyrir honum að hún sé skotin í honum og þau eru að kyssast. Mrs Potter er yfirkonan á staðnum og Mr. Simon er viðskiptavinur]
Mrs. Potter: Mr. Simon has been waiting for— (sér Phoebe og Rick í miðjum kossi) Oh my God!
Mr. Simon: Why wasn´t I offered that? I´d definitely pay more for that.
Mrs. Potter: Phoebe, we have rules here, this isn´t that kind of place.
Phoebe: Oh yeah, oh and I know, but this isn´t what it looks like, \'cause Rick is my ahh, husband.
Mrs. Potter: Oh really? Well, then you´d better tell his other wife, \'cause she called three times asking where he is.
Phoebe: Yes, I will tell her.

5 sería.

Larry the health inspector. Maðurinn sem fór á milli veitingastaða og lokað þeim vegna óhreininda. Phoebe átti í erfiðleikum með að velja veitingastað til að fara á með honum vegna þessa.
Larry: (kemur inn) Hey, ready for dinner ?
Phoebe: Ooh, absolutely!
Larry: Great! How about you wanted to go the Italian place down on Bleaker Street right ?
Phoebe: Ooh, I love that place! (Hugsar sig um) So, no.
Larry: How about Mama Lisettie´s ?
Phoebe: Enh. Sure!
Larry: (tekur eftir einhverju) I wonder how long that milk (á borðinu) has been setting out.
Phoebe: Oh, no-no, this place is totally healthy! That—this milk is mine. I bought this today, \'cause I was thirsty for milk, y´know. (Hún tekur stóran sopa en þarf að snúa sér undan og setur upp \“þetta var ógeðslegt\” svip) Okay, let´s go!

Lögreglumaðurinn Gary. Phoebe var meðan honum nokkuð marga þætti. Þetta byrjaði með því að Phoebe fann lögregluskjöld langt ofan í sófanum á Central Perk. Þetta var skjöldurinn hans Gary´s og hann var svo hrifinn af henni að hann bauð henni út. Sambandið endaði snögglega þegar þau voru nýflutt inn saman í íbúð. Einfalt mál: Hann skaut fugl !
Quote-ið er atriðið þar sem Gary var hreinlega að yfirheyra hana á stöðinni vegna þess að hann grunaði að hún vildi ekki flytja inn með honum. . . . .
Gary: Take a seat. You okay? You feeling all right? (Lokar dyrunum og fer úr jakkanum sínum)
Phoebe: (sest niður) Yeah, I feel great. \'Cause we´re moving in together.
Gary: So you uh, you checked the paper for listings in Brooklyn Heights, right? You-you checked the Post?
Phoebe: Yeah, uh-huh, there was nothing. (Pása) Can I get some water?
Gary: In a minute. You-you checked today\'s Post?
Phoebe: Umm, yeah! Today´s.
Gary: \'Cause uh, this is today´s Post (lyftir einu blaði upp af stólnum) and uh, these are the listings I found. (Bendir) Brooklyn Heights, two bedroom. (Bendir) Brooklyn Heights, one bedroom. (bendir) Brooklyn Heights, (points) Brooklyn Heights, (bendir) Brooklyn Heights!
Phoebe: (lítur á blaðið) Are these for rent! I thought people were just bragging!
Gary: Let me tell you what I think might be going on. (Phoebe lítur niður skömmustulega) No-no-no, don´t look at the table. Look at me. (Bendir á augun sín og hún gerir eins og hann segir) Okay, I think somebody asked someone to move in with them. And I think someone said, \“Yes\” but now she´s having doubts because things are moving to fast for someone. Does that sound at all possible to you?
Phoebe: Yes. Yes ! Fine ! I am someone! You want me to say it ? I have doubts! (Pása) I´m sorry !
Gary: Phoebe . . . . . .
Phoebe: Yeah?
Gary: Phoebe, it´s okay that you feel this way. I mean it is soon. And there´s a lot of things we don´t know about each other, and I just figure that everything I really like. And the things I don´t know, I get to learn about at someplace with both our names on the mailbox.
Phoebe: That´s so sweet.
Gary: Sweethart, but none of that matters if it´s too soon for you. It´s fine! We don´t have to move in together. I just — I want you to be happy
Phoebe: Living with you would make me happy.
Gary: Phoebe, you don´t have to say that.
Phoebe: No, I really wanna live with you! I wanna move in with you!
Gary: Are you sure?
Phoebe: Yes. Definitely! Yes! Let´s live in an apartment that we both live in! (Faðmar hann)
Gary: Oh that´s great!
Phoebe: Oh wait, one sec. One sec. (gengur að speglinum) Hey you! Behind the glass! Who are you looking at! I´ve always wanted to say that when I was in one of these rooms, (sér svipinn á Gary) which was never!

Jæja, þá eru þeir allir upptaldnir, held ég. Ég ákvað að skrifa ekki niður manninn sem Monica og Phoebe hjúkruðu, eftir að Monica flautaði á eftir honum og það var keyrt á hann. Hann var ekki kærastinn hennar. Ef það vantar einhvern þá segiði frá. . . .