vinir í tölvu og sjónvarpi????? Ég rakst á þessa skemmtilegu líkingu á netinu og eiginlega varð að koma henni hérna að. Hún er svo hljóðandi…….

Friends in your computer:
1.Phoebe the printer - Works fine most of the time but occasionally goes mad and spouts out garbage.
2.Monica the Processor - Does all the hard work.
3.Chandler the CD Drive - Usually only used for fun.
4.Rachel, Windows 98 - Good fun until it gets in a mood and stops working.
5.Joey the Modem - Can get confused and slow things down.
6.Ross the Error Message - Always informing you of your mistakes. Very annoying at time.

Friends in your TV:
1.Phoebe the Tuner - Picks up a lot of information, most of wich is useless.
2.Monica the Channel Changer - Always ready for work.
3.Chandler the TV Text - Full of fun information.
4.Rachel the Volume Control - Makes sure you can hear everything that´s going on.
5.Joey the Remote - Needs to be told exactly what to do or else useless.
6.Ross the Contrast controls - Useful occasionally but useless most of the time.

Ég vil bara biðjast afsökunar á því að hafa ekki þýtt þetta en mér fannst þetta fyndnarar á ensku. Eru þið sammála? Hvernig finnst ykkur þessar samlíkingar?
