Just to show you that Final Fantasy 12 is a force worth recokoning with, Square has just announced recent sales for the title.

Recorded as the largest North American day 1 North American availability of any of the publisher's titles in history, the PlayStation 2's Final Fantasy 12 has reportedly hit the 1.5 million sales mark in the country - just one week after release.

The title has been available in Japan since early this year, and has shipped a total of 2.4 million copies in the country of origin. With Europe and Australia still to go early next year, we'll just have to wait and see if this ends up the highest selling FF ever.

Just to show you though, that the series really is back!

Omigosh!!! :O

Þetta er priddí dísennt. Þegar búinn að seljast heldur betur en klassískir leikir eins og Devil May Cry og Max Payne. [borat} It's niceee!

Til þeirra sem eigi hafa prófað hann: Hversu mikið hlakkið þið til?

Til þeirra sem hafa prófað hann: Hversu góður?

Til þeirra sem hafa spilað leikinn og demoið: Hve mikill munur er?

Ég kveð í bili. Go Space-Nation! Go Richard Nixon!