Greetings there friend *burb*, here, sit down and have one round of ale with me.

I´m going to tell you the story about Celegrom Flameheart, the gorgeous Paladin from Thay…

Celegrom grew up in Thay, and he was to become a great wizard, for he was the choosen one. In his early years(3-5) he began studying wizardy and sought classes which the elders held to teach him all minor details. This went on for 10 years. That’s when he was sent out in the world to gain experience that he couldn´t gain in Thay.

When he was escorting a caravan from Thay, hords of gibberlings began to attack the caravan. But they ended all slaughtered(The Gibberlings). But in the middle of the battle, Celegrom fell of the caravan and knocked out, and rolled out in the forest. When he woke up, the caravan was long gone.

He lost all his memory, and his knowledge and what he was suppose to do. It was then when he figured out that his calling was to become a Paladin. It all started when he started to think that he was the most beautiful person in the world. He started to train at a monestary, and sought church. He went straight from being a Red Wizard of Thay, into being the first Paladin from Thay.