Glóðvolg fréttatilkynning frá Interplay var að berast:


IRVINE, California, August 5, 2002 - Interplay Entertainment Corp. (NasdaqSC:IPLY), announced today that the highly anticipated Icewind Dale™ II has gone gold and will be available at retail in early September.

Icewind Dale II is the sequel to the award-winning computer role-playing game Icewind Dale and features the BioWare Infinity Engine(TM) that was used to develop the award-winning games Baldur's Gate™ and Baldur's Gate II (developed by BioWare Corp.), and Planescape®: Torment™“ (developed by Black Isle Studios). Icewind Dale II uses the third edition core rules for the classic Dungeons & Dragons® tabletop roleplaying game within the popular Forgotten Realms® adventure campaign setting under licenses by Wizards of the Coast. The game hosts a large variety of new weapons, armor and magical items, and expands upon the gameplay elements found in the original Icewind Dale. Icewind Dale II offers feats and skills such as Power Attack and Diplomacy, further extending the character customization options available to players. Also introduced in Icewind Dale II are new character classes such as the Barbarian and Sorcerer and new playable races including the Drow, the famous dark elves of the nderdark, and the celestial hybrid Aasimar. ”Icewind Dale II“ includes over 50 new spells such as Executioner's Eyes and Aegis, bringing the total to over 300 spells, almost all of which have been revamped for the new rule set.

Black Isle Studios, the creators of the Fallout™ series and ”Icewind Dale, is proud to bring Icewind Dale II to Windows® 95/98/ ME/2000/XP- based computers. More information on Icewind Dale II can be found at


Ef marka má fyrri reynslu mína af útgáfum á leikjum frá Black Isle þá er von á leiknum til landsins seinnipartinn í september eða snemma í október, þó svo að það séu mögulegar líkur á að þeir hafi bætt sig stórlega í útgáfu leikja. Það er bara að bíða og sjá…
