Það hefur borist mér sú frétt að meistararnir í BioWare hafi kært Interplay Entertainment Corp. fyrir of há royalties:


A lawsuit has been filed against Interplay Entertainment Corp. by Canadian software developer BioWare Corp. BioWare alleges in its complaint that Interplay has breached two contracts with BioWare by sublicensing distribution of BioWare games to third parties without the knowledge or consent of BioWare.


Josh E. Sawyer, Designer hjá Black Isle Studios útskýrði málið fyrir fáfróðum notendum Black Isle boardana:


The statement refers to sublicensing distribution of BioWare games. Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is not a BioWare game. “Baldur's Gate” is not a BioWare property; it is a WotC property licensed to Interplay. Interplay could publish Baldur's Gate Golf Championship and BioWare wouldn't have any say in the matter. The lawsuit revolves around distribution of BioWare titles, specifically.


Allan þráðinn má finna <a href="http://feedback.blackisle.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=11&t=000837">hér</a>.

Nú er bara að bíða og sjá hvernig málin munu standa í lok þessara andlegu slagsmála milli Interplay og BioWare.
