Þegar ég spilaði í gegnum BG1 eftir að ég var búinn að klára BG2 nokkru sinnum sá ég að það var allveg hellingur af hintum BG2 í BG1, t.d snemma í leiknum(í 2. kafla minnir mig) gefst manni tækifæri til að tala við noble-gaur sem segist vera frá Athkatla og að Athkatla verði “mjög vinsæl í framtíðinni”, þannig að ég fór að pæla, eru nokkuð hint í BG2 um Throne of Bhall og/eða BG3? Svo rakst ég á soldið sérstakt í BG2.

Í byrjunni á BG2 á sér stað frekar merkilegt samtal á milli mann sjálfs og anda sem kallar sig “Aataqah”:

Aataqah- Abdel, welcome! You have escaped somewhat later than i had hoped. I am Aataqah.

Aataqah- You have my welcome to my little piece of this place! I do so try to keep it more appealing than the rest.

Abdel- My thanks. How is it you know my name? What is going on here?

Aataqah- Your name is well known to those who watch. Your life's thread is bright indeed, though in youre path lies many a dark and frayed end.

Aataqah- As to easing youre mind and answearing such questions as those who surely plague you, it is not my place to do so. I am sorry.

Abdel- Then of what use can you be to me?

Aataqah- Such assitance you will get from me depends on your self. Are you prepared to answear a question?

Abdel- I will answear, if it leds to you making some sense.

Aataqah- Than here is my hypothetical question: you and your sibling are captured and locked in separate cells, unable t communicate. The mage responibel appears and speaks.

Aataqah- He explains his sadistic game: In each cell there is a magical button. If you press youre button and your sibling does not, you will die and but your sibling is free.

Aataqah- If your sibling presses the button the button and you do not, THEY will die but you will go free. If neither you nor your sibling press the buttons, both of you will die.

Aataqah- If both of you press your respective buttons, both of you will die, the mage says that you have one turn of the hourglass to decide your action, then he leaves.

Aataqah- Tell me, Abdel, do you press the button?

1. I will press the button.
Aataqah- interesting. No action can be perfomred with
without consequences. Especially that wich
follows a noble path. Deal with this, noble
one.(Kemur Ogre mage og ræðst á mann)

2. I will not press the button.
Aataqah- Truly? I have not hought you a to be a
coward until this day. Mingle with your
brethren, coward, i shall test your mettle!
(koma Gibberlingar og ráðast á mann)
3. I don't know.
Aataqah- That answear will not suffice, Abdel.
Choose again.

3. I refuse to answear the question.
Aataqah- As self-reliant as always, Abdel.
I did not really expect you to sate my
curiosity. Farewell.(Ekkert gerist)

Ég held að þetta sé merki um hvað gerist í throne of bhall, að sibling sem sé talað um sé Imoen, eða einhvað annað child of bhall.
Líka að hann segir “THEY will die”(í upprunalega samtalinu er they ekki í capslock) hvað á hann við með því? er þetta kannski stafsetningavilla eða hefur þetta kannski dýpri merkingu.

Pælið í þessu.