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Oki, þessi saga er um karakterinn minn í Neverwinter Nights. Ég nota nafnið Icewind Dale bara vegna þess að það tengist Forgotten Realms. Ég hef ekki spilað hann svo ég þekki engin nöfn eða neitt, svo gallharðir aðdáendur, ekki taka það nærri ykkur þó að það sé algjört bull í þessu.

The story of Arto Ellamytholin- Prolouge

The great scholar, Jadus sat on the floor in one of the many book halls in castle Never surrounded by few children.
“Come now children. Gather around, gather around, and be silent. I am going to tell you a great story tonight. I´m going to tell you of one the greatest heroes of the northern realms. His name was Arto Ellamytholin, and was a half- elf. You can see his name carwed into the poles in the front hall along with other great people. Now can anyone tell me why his name is on that pole?” He looked around and saw only one child raise its hand. It was a fair and delegant girl who did so. Even though being in a class with 8 year olds, her eyes were wise beyond her years.
“Yes, dear,” Jadus said politely.
“He was the one who saved Neverwinter from the wailing death.” Jadus looked at the girl and smirked.
“How right you are, my child. But that was only one of the great deeds he achieved in his many years. He was the only one who has actually been invited to train at the academy.” (A loud gasp from the children) "Yes my children, he was a remecable man.
These were dark times in Neverwinter and the district around. The wailing death claimed many, many people. More every day. I was a mere child at the time, but I remember it like it happend yesterday. There were rumors out in the streets of a cure in the making. There were creatures brought from the land of Waterdavian, and they were the key to a possible cure. But soon after the beasts were bruoght to the castle it was attacked. Arto was one of only a handful of survivors. So her set on a journey to collect the missing creatures. It did not take long to get them, but when lady Aribeth, Fenthick and Dhester were about to complete the ritual, Dhester betrayed the other two, made a magic portal. Only Arto was quick enaugh to jump thruogh it and capture Dhester. Once the people were cured, they demmanded to see the one responsible executed. So Dhestser was burned on a stake. But people were not satisfied until Fenthick, lady Aribeth's love had been hanged. After that Aribeth became distant and cold, even to Arto who was beliefed to be in love with her. Soon after another threat was brought to Neverwinter. The creator race (the lizard folk) was about to resurect Morag, the queen of the old ones and if they'd succeed, the world would perish. But to do so they had to gather the words of power. There were four of them and once again Arto was out in the world fighting and helping, trying to get the words before the old ones. And yet again his work was a success. But it did not go without a sacrifice. Aribeth became a traitor, and led the lizard army. But she along with Morag was killed by Arto. It has been said, that he never got over her death, but he did what he had to do.

After that year, he settled down at Castle Never and started to learn to become a Paladin. But the quiet and patient life of the Paladin did not suit our hero, and he became restless. After 3 years at study, he'd had enaugh. So he went to his room, got his armour, sword and cloak along with a little food and set on a new adwenture. He walked at the crossroads of the north. Ha stood there for a while before he deside to take the road to the unknown and untamed realm. He went into a world beyond the frontier of Faërun into the farthest north. He ended up in the world of Icewind Dale…and that's were he got into his second adventure…