Ég ætla að skrifa hér sögu um herinn minn Hina Gráu. Hún er um stríð sem að Orkar og Chaos háðu í fjallaveginum við Mount Krackbad. Þessi fjallavegur kallast De Scar of Uzzgrak. Er hann víst helgur í augum Orka&Goblina og eru þeir ekkert ánægðir með það ef enhver fer um hann annar en Orkar.
Hér er sagan um það þegar Chaos herinn af khorne fóru þar í gegn og Hinir Gráu tóku á móti þeim. Ekki pæla útí enskuna.

Grin rode up the hill and scanned the area. There they came at last, his wolf rider scouts rode up to him. “Sire, der arz overs 50 chaos warriors, summthin aboutz 80 mauruderz, fewz warhoundz, about 60 red deamons, some pink and blue horrible monsters, a shamanz an ones lordes mez thinks.” Grin turned his wolf and grined.
“Only dat few? Huh get daz boys ready!” The wolf rider scout rode away obeying his order.

Grin Rode through the mountain pass and took the next turn left into a huge cave. Two ork guards came to him. “Halt. Access iz denied!” said one of the ork guards. “Fools cants youz see who meez is?” Grin hissed. “Whats the hells is goin’on here? Guzzrut jelled. “Lord? Meez is so sorry lord, butz deez guards of yours are denying meez entrancez!” said Grin. Angerly Guzzrut hissed “ Are you saings dad dey do not whut they are tuld tu do?” “No my lord, no indeeds nots.” Grin exscused himself. ” Den wut are yu sain den?” Guzzrut asked. “Nuthin my lord, nuthin can i come in?”
“Yus alright den. Come.”

Guzzrut rode on his warboar in front of his army. “Orkses and Gobbos ! Be ready for my command. We are about encounter deamons of other worlds. Theys are passing through de pass of De Scar of Uzzgak!” Shouting, hissing and whispering were heard in the army.
“Lets punish dem. Grin and‘is wolfs riders have gone aheads of uz and are taking de cliff pazzage. Deiz are gonna give em rains of arrows. After a while we’ll hear a hornblow and den we’ll charge forth. And no fightin. This iz in de name of Gork.

Grin rode beside the cliff and looked down. There! There they were they seemed fewer than he thought. He raised his hand and halted, as did his wolf riders. Then he let down his hand and rains of arrows thundered down into the chaos army. the mauruders were falling fastest becouse they didnt wear any armour. The shaman looked up and sent a huge fireball into the wolf riders on the west side. Six had fallen. Grin did not tell his men to retreat. He raised his hand and let it down again more arrows thundered into the black heart of chaos warriors. The horrors started blasting fire balls up to the wolf riders on the east side. Grin almost got hit. He took up his horn and blew it. The sound echoed in the pass. And a few minutes later the ground started to rattle. There they came with Guzzrut in lead. Daz Grey’uns.

Ekki pæla í enskunni. Ég er ekkert sérstakur í ensku þannig að bara lítið framhjá villunum.
