
Ég er búinn að vera að pæla í skemmtilegu þema fyrir hópbardagakvöldin í Nexus (sjá aðra grein um efnið). Hér er það sem ég ætla að leggja upp með á fyrra kvöldinu… Þetta er á ensku einfaldlega af því að ég geeeet ekki skrifað warhammer-tengt efni eins og þetta á íslensku þar sem ég veit ekki hvernig er best að þýða suma hluti án þess að hljóma málhaltur með meiru…


The theme of the first group battle (fought on March 27th) will be the quest for the magical gem known as the Eye of Sheerian.

The Eye is a powerful artefact, named after the Tzeentchian sorcerer who first discovered it. It is believed to have been created by the Old Ones when the first Slanns were young and before Chaos arrived in the world.

Archaon, Lord of the End Times covets the Eye of Sheerian greatly. It has been prophesised that when he has fitted the Eye on his Crown of Domination, it will make him all but invulnerable to any attacks. It has also been prophesised that if he leads the forces of Chaos in the Great War against humanity without the Eye, he will fail.

Archaon’s spies have reported that it might have been hidden in the Badlands south of the Empire of Man. Archaon can not lead the search in person that far from his power base for without his leadership the different factions of his army would fall on each other. He has therefore sent some of his finest generals to find the Eye and bring it back to him.

As the forces of Chaos invade the Badlands, others begin to take interest. Everybody realises that this incursion is no coincidence, and the more learned know that whatever the emissaries of Archaon are after must be kept out of their grasp.

The Phoenix King of the High Elves has sent advisors to the court of the Empire and Bretonnia, and to the King of the Dwarfs, hoping to convince them to send forces by ship or land to the Badlands to combat this incursion of Chaos. His loremasters have divined the true purpose behind Archaon’s interest and have advised the King to stop at nothing to prevent the armies of Chaos from succeeding in their mission. If it costs the lives of thousands of elves, dwarfs or humans, that is a small price to pay…

All this build-up of forces has everybody worried. The skaven are watching from their tunnels, ready to strike should they get a good opportunity. Marauding orcs are everywhere, attacking anybody, and other things are stirring in the Badlands. This is going to be an interesting couple of weeks…


Herjir góðs og ills verða paraðir saman því sem næst af handahófi. Þó mun ég reyna að láta þá sem eru með fullmálaða herji berjast frekar á móti öðrum með fullmálaða herji.

Flestir bardagarnir verða væntanlega Pitched Battles, en einhverjir geta prófað scenarios sem verða vonandi notuð á næsta spilamóti. Sérlega viðeigandi er Meeting Engagement (scenario 3), en Capture (scenario 5) og Breakthrough eru einnig mjög viðeigandi. Hverjir gera hvað með hverjum hvernig og hversvegna ræðst þegar menn mæta á staðinn!

Ef einhverjir fjórir spilarar (2 úr hvoru liði) hafa áhuga á að berjast saman í einum stórum bardaga getum við rætt það þegar við hittumst.

Svo veltur allt á því hvernig fer þetta kvöld, hvernig kvöld númer tvo verður. Þið verðið bara að mæta og komast að því ;)


Brjánn Jónasson
errr… Dazgul Da Pillage