(Ég hef ákveðið að hafa þetta á ensku, bara af því bara…)

Tyranids are visious creatures as I was about to find out when we were suddenly attacked by millions of them in swarms as big as the tremendeus city´s on Earth. It all started very small and unthreatening…

The sun was glowing and was casted back from the blazing hot cliffs that seemed to touch the sky and hold up the sun in this solar-system. They were darkbrown and very unfriendly as was the sand on the ground that we walked on. We were sent to this disgusting planet to investigate strange sounds underground that some stupid IMP´s had heard, just before they disappeard. Two 20 men squads were sent on the planet to secure it and they disappeard like the planet had swallowed them. Oh, what I hate those IMP´s now for dragging us to this planet of wast and death but it was the will of Him, blessed be Him, and we shall not complain anymore. And in this moment to birds flew over (but it was not birds as we were to find out) and my fellow captain Seren (blessed be his memory) said to me: ,,Well, there is some life on this planet after all.“ Soon there were more birds, and they fallowed us, like they were spying on us, that was a bit creepy. It was then that the earthqauke´s started. The earth shook and not far from us it cracked appart with a loud noise. All of us stoop there gasping of surprise but that did not last for long. Up from the crack, that was just about 100 meters away from us huge insects began to swarm up from the ground, Tyranids. I knew them right away, and knew that they would show no mercy. ,,Take up your bolter´s, NOW!” I shouted to the ones that did not have the vit to always have their finger on the trigger of their bolter. As the Tyranids came closer we were under attack, not from them, not from behind, but from the ,,birds“ in the scy. For better than worse it was just shooting that did not manage to pierce the power armor that we wore. We responded them by sending up an long row of bolts and lukely some of them was hit, crashing from the scy with roars and unhuman screams of pain. The other ones, on foot, were getting pretty close and opened fire at us, none of my marines was wounded yet, and none did fall to the shooting of the Tyranids. They came closer and we opened fire at them, putting the hole front-line to the ground. But it was of no use, they were still a hundred against each one of us. I knew that we had to fight, fight for freedom, life and honor or die lika a coward of no honor and dignety. I drew up my sword and prepered for battle. Me and Seren were next to each other, and we needet no words. With a warcry to The Emperor we rushed forward with 50 space marines at our back and 5 terminators stumbling in their heavy armor to the battle. I ran in the heat of battle and snapped of few shots to the Tyranids but only killing two of them. As I ran I heard the shots from the Tyranids bouncing of my armor. And then we met them, one took a big leap to me but I managed to chop it in halfs on it´s way down somehow. With my sword covered in blood I cried ,,For the Emperor” and heard a lot of answers on my back. *Fliing* I heard my sword say as I stabbed one and drowe the sword up trough it´s head, seppareating it in two halfs. I don´t know for how long I shot, chopped, swung, stabbed, kicked and punshed but it seemed like an eternity passing in just a few seconds but it was then that I first saw that monster. It was gargantuan in size, with giant claws and was armoured like a living tank. I had heard of those creatures, Carnifex, but never thought I wuold meet one. It gave up big and terrifying roar and stepped on lots of little ones (Gaunts I think and Ravaner´s) on it´s way toward Seren and 20 other SM´s. Seren did not notise it turning his back on it as he swung his sword, chopping of the feets of one and shooting it in the head in the same move. I cried to him: ,,Seren, SEREN, SEREN! Look behind you! SEREN!!!“ But he did not hear and as soon as he turned around he was crushed by the foot of the monster. It could not be! Seren, my best friend was dead. It could not be!! I felt my body shake as I gained new strength, strength of revenge, strength og hate, anger and revenge. Fire was in my blood and it was in me, my body, I was the fire, fire of revenge. In anger I roard into the air and killed, killed for revenge but it was not inough, the only thing that could satisfy my revenge was that monster, killing that monster. So in anger I made my way to it, trough all the crowd of the Tyranids. Some fellow´s of mine swore that my eye´s glowed in red like fire burnt in them when I made my way to the Carnifex. And I made it. I stood in front of the Carnifex and I went mad. I shot it and shot (for luck I hit it´s eye) and slowly gained back some wit. Something told me to stop shooting. I stopped shooting and the samrtness became stronger than the thirst for blood. I picket up a hand granade and turned it on, holding it in my hand for as long as I dared. The Carnifex was coming to it´s senses again but not for long for on that moment I threw the granade. It flew into the air and bounched of the Carnifex head, but it did not go long for on that moment it blew up, right be the head of the monster taking the head with it. SPLATT! It was dead. It gave my new strength to keep on fighting and I did. I fought and fought for a long time more but not alone, for my squad (25 SM´s) had fallowed my trough the battlefield and joined up with me now, but not without some sacrifices, for 9 of them died on the way (blessed be their memory and may they rest in peace, knowing that their sacrifice was for The Emperor and was not forgotten). Shortly Seren´s squad (25 in beginning but only 14 now) joined up with me and with them came 4 terminators (1 had died). And all together we fought, we fought for everything that was rong and every sacrifice made by the dead and we fought with their help. After a while we were winning, a hundred or so had beeb killed by us and we were still killing on. After a long time chopping and shooting there was victory at hand. I kicked one to the ground and stabbed him in the chest. It was dead, with a load crack I splattered its head with a mighty blow from my sword. And another was fleeing from us. I aimed and fired. I hit it in the leg blowing it of and leaving only the bloody stump. I walked over to it and sepperated it´s head from it´s body with one blow. The last one was dead and I had finally satysfied my thirst for revenge. We all called up ,, VICTORY!” and were wery happy aout that. I lost many brave men that day but it was a nessecery sacrifice for the Imperium and The Emperor (blessed be him). So we went to the crack just to se it closing and in there were some other Tyranids. I quikly grabbed me other and last granade and threw it down before the crack closed (the insects span some webs that was as strong as metal and used it to close the crack, I got sample that I sent for diegnosion to Mars) and only heard the explosion and the unhuman screams in the earth and found the foul smell of burnt flesh in the air. We went back to the ship and took of, but only with myself, 26 SM´s and 4 terminators. I here by complete my teport of case 553097 by counting up damage done to us and done by us.

Enemys killed: 150-200 Gaunts and Raveer´s, 1 Carnifex.
Units lost: 24 SM´s, 1 terminator and Captain Seren.

-Captain sinzi of the Ultramarines

Jæja, þá er ég búinn að þessu, endilega segið hvort ykkur líkaði eitthvað meira en annað eða líkaði verr við eitthvað en annað. Þetta var skáldskapur frá upphafi til enda og ég vona að þetta hafi verið skemmtileg lesning. Ég mun kannski koma til með að skrifa fleiri svona, kannski skáldað upp eða eitthvað sem gerðist í ,,alvöru" warhammer match. Það fer allt eftir því hvernig ykkur líkar þetta.

-Captain sinzi out- -for The Emperor-