RtCW þjónarnir tveir keyra nú OSP 0.3, og er nauðsynlegt að sækja gripinn til að geta spilað á þeim. Skrárnar má sækja hér, á Static.hugi.is:

<a href="http://static.hugi.is/games/wolfenstein/osp/osp-wolf-0.3_patch.exe">Win32 uppfærlsla</a> [ 2.55MB ]
<a href="http://static.hugi.is/games/wolfenstein/osp/osp-wolf-0.3_full.exe">Win32 full útgáfa</a> [ 3.55MB ]
<a href="http://static.hugi.is/games/wolfenstein/osp/osp-wolf-0.3.zip">Win32/linux ZIP skrá</a> [ 1.89MB ]

Ég mæli með að menn noti ZIP skrána, þar sem installerarnir krefjast Windows Installer 2.0 / .NET framework (fáránlegt :P).

Hér er svo listi yfir breytingar og bætur frá útgáfu 0.22:
- Fix: changing g_warmup while countdown is already going wont change the info to the clients
- Fix: cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch and cg_autoload combination weirdness
- Fix: can report wrong win info in console if VERY close to timelimit
- Fix: some compsettings values
- Fix: Various pause issues (thanks to MentholMoose)
- Fix: speclock blackouts honored in the UI as well
- Fix: specs get thrown to 1st person randomly (roughly 30s intervals)
- Fix: Crasher on mp_rocket
- Fix: Occasional locked scoreboard while in a demo
- Change: Updated example configs with latest settings (comp and pub)
- Change: goat sound to only attacker/victim
- Change: Leaning now considered as an “active” movement wrt inactivity
- Change: No clamp on com_maxfps
- Change: server_compsettings to server_autoconfig
0 - All settings are manual
1 - Competition settings for the sepecified g_gametype are loaded on startup
2 - Public server settings for the sepecified g_gametype are loaded on startup
- Add: sever cvar info (team info)
- Add: server logging - weapon stats (osp-wold-StatsInfo.txt)
- Add: document server settings (for server_autoconfig)
- Add: Toggling of blood flashes when taking damage (cg_bloodflash)
- Add: option to disable announcer (cg_announcer)
- Add: shuffle teams command (callvote shuffleteams)
- Add: pub server callvote (vote_allow_pub)
- Add: Document stats info (osp-wolf-StatsInfo.txt)
- Add: topshots/bottomshots command (also on a per weapon basis)
- Add: Server motd: server_motd0 - server_motd7. First NULL (“”) terminates
- Add: +wstats (windowed \stats) - scalable font size: cf_wstats
- Add: +wtopshots (windowed \topshots) - scalable font size: cf_wtopshots
- Add: window prompts at bottom of scoreboard during intermission
- Add: Time info at the top right of the scoreboard
- Add: statsdump - dumps current weapon/gamestats to a .txt file in the osp/stats/ dir
- Add: autoaction: performs automatic actions at particular points in the game:
- statsdump - at the end of a round
- autorecord - at the beginning of a round/set
- autoscreenshot - at the end of a round
- Add: additional vote settings: vote_allow_nextmap, vote_allow_swapteams

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