jájá það er komið út nýtt version á osp. Þar sem ég er of latur til að íslenska þetta þá pastea ég history.txt hingað.

Það eru margir nýjir fítusar sem ég er svolítið hrifin af og eru þeir weaponstats, topshots og statsdump.

0.3 - 10 Aug 02
- Fix: changing g_warmup while countdown is already going wont change the info to the clients
- Fix: cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch and cg_autoload combination weirdness
- Fix: can report wrong win info in console if VERY close to timelimit
- Fix: some compsettings values
- Fix: Various pause issues (thanks to MentholMoose)
- Fix: speclock blackouts honored in the UI as well
- Fix: specs get thrown to 1st person randomly (roughly 30s intervals)
- Fix: Crasher on mp_rocket
- Fix: Occasional locked scoreboard while in a demo
- Change: Updated example configs with latest settings (comp and pub)
- Change: goat sound to only attacker/victim
- Change: Leaning now considered as an “active” movement wrt inactivity
- Change: No clamp on com_maxfps
- Change: server_compsettings to server_autoconfig
0 - All settings are manual
1 - Competition settings for the sepecified g_gametype are loaded on startup
2 - Public server settings for the sepecified g_gametype are loaded on startup
- Add: sever cvar info (team info)
- Add: server logging - weapon stats (osp-wold-StatsInfo.txt)
- Add: document server settings (for server_autoconfig)
- Add: Toggling of blood flashes when taking damage (cg_bloodflash)
- Add: option to disable announcer (cg_announcer)
- Add: shuffle teams command (callvote shuffleteams)
- Add: pub server callvote (vote_allow_pub)
- Add: Document stats info (osp-wolf-StatsInfo.txt)
- Add: topshots/bottomshots command (also on a per weapon basis)
- Add: Server motd: server_motd0 - server_motd7. First NULL (“”) terminates
- Add: +wstats (windowed \stats) - scalable font size: cf_wstats
- Add: +wtopshots (windowed \topshots) - scalable font size: cf_wtopshots
- Add: window prompts at bottom of scoreboard during intermission
- Add: Time info at the top right of the scoreboard
- Add: statsdump - dumps current weapon/gamestats to a .txt file in the osp/stats/ dir
- Add: autoaction: performs automatic actions at particular points in the game:
- statsdump - at the end of a round
- autorecord - at the beginning of a round/set
- autoscreenshot - at the end of a round
- Add: additional vote settings: vote_allow_nextmap, vote_allow_swapteams

0.22 - 15 Jun 02
- Various updates

0.21 - 02 Jun 02
- Various updates

0.2 - 01 Jun 02
- Initial release<br><br>————————————————————
Xzach is the way of my people.

Rtcw: Xzach
Irc: Xzach
Jihad: Xzach
