BaconET is a new mod for ET from -bacon-, and draws from the best bits of ETPro, Shrub, and a little bit of it's own originality. Some of the unique features include:

- New player class: Commander (cvar: b_commander).
- Classes all get a special ability (command: special).
- Chargebars don't reset upon death (cvar: b_charge).
- Improved HUD.
- Console can display centred text (command: bcp).
- Players with the home clantag cannot be kicked/muted (cvar: b_clantag).
- Admins can set protection time (cvar: b_protection).

Regarding ‘special abilities’, they will be as follows:

Engineer. The engineer has been given a jetpack (using the +salute command).
Field Ops. The field ops can intercept enemy communication.
Covert Ops. The covert ops can go invisible.
Players who are using their special abilities face a number of physical penalties until they turn them off. They also cannot talk to anybody.
The commander class is without a primary weapon in this release. He will have a new weapon in the next one. As well, his slot6 weapon will be finished

Bacon Mod Download

Full changelog:

- New player class: Commander (cvar: b_commander).
- Classes all get a special ability (command: special).
- XP can be saved upon disconnect until a new campaign (cvar: b_xpsave).
- Players can shove others (cvar: b_shove).
- Players can throw packs further (cvar: b_dropDistance).
- Admins can specify the number of available landmines (cvar: b_maxLandmines).
- Hitsounds (cvar: cb_hitsounds).
- Chargebars don't reset upon death (cvar: b_charge).
- Improved HUD.
- Players can display the current time on the HUD (cvar: cb_drawTime).
- Speedometer (cvar: cb_drawSpeedometer).
- Console can display centred text (command: bcp).
- Instagib mode (cvar: b_modifier).
- Headshot mode (cvar: b_modifier).
- Players with the home clantag cannot be kicked/muted (cvar: b_clantag).
- Admins can set protection time (cvar: b_protection).
- Admins can force a cvar to a specific value (command: forcecvar).
- Map-specific configs.

- Fixed prone hitboxes.
- Fixed akimbo firerate.
- Fixed dynamite at cabinets exploit.
- Fixed framerate dependency of the MG42.
- Fixed anti-lag.
- Fixed the level 4 heavy/light weapons soldier bug.
- Fixed the freelook bug.
- Landmines can be disarmed when your team has the max amount planted.
- Fixed oversized server commands.
- Engineers receive the correct charge back.
- Players can no longer shoot themselves in the head (
- Engineers can no longer shoot rifle grenades through doors.
- Flamethrower exploit fixed.
- The knife is now delagged.
- Fixed the drawFireteamOverlay bug.
- Fixed the bug where a player would have a skull for the entire map.
- Fixed the bug where stationary MG42's wouldn't break breakables.
- Tank tracers now work properly with cg_drawGun off.
- Suicides are counted as deaths.
- Spread reduction is now at level3.
- Covert Ops' no longer lose disguise when using binocs.
- covert Ops' can no longer steal a uniform when wounded.
- Fixed the client popup message bug (
- Teamkills show the obituary.
- Garand can reload mid-clip.
- Wounded players cannot capture a flag.
- Players cannot use ^^ in their names.
- Muted players cannot voicechat with teammates.
- Players are unmuted when they receive referee status.
- Added the missing MODs in some cases.
- Covert Ops' have the don't shoot icon over their heads when they've stolen a uniform.
- Colt and Luger are now balanced.

Ef þið hafið einhvern áhuga til að prufa/spila þetta mod legg eg til að testa það á erlendum serverum, en það er örugglega ágæt að spila þetta þegar manni leiðist :D