“Thats right, Its back! And this time in full technicolour.
Next Saturday at 00.00 CET (6 EST) the show will kick off once again, this will be the ultimate night for ET!

What will this wonderful night of ET include? Tune in, at 23.00 CET (5 EST) to catch up with Mr. ET and the creator of ET TV, that is of course Bani as he will reveal all onair! Plus, Interviews with the two lineups! Then, the main event Europe vs USA. All will be live on shoutcast, all in irc, and most importantly on ET TV!

Who's playing? Who's Captaining? Well, to save their internet connections from being flooded with, ME ME ME ME PICK ME from their whole continent, we're gonna leave that until later in the week! But expect team lineups, news and shoutcast & ETTV IP's to be posted here, and over at ET-Center.

News will follow shortly, but next saturday make sure you buy a bucket of snacks, take the phone of the hook, lock the door and sit back and watch as communities combine to show Quakecon just what their missing.

#atlantic-battle on Quakenet & Gamesurge”

:EEE<br><br><b>ET: MonZ
Irc: MonZ-</
Lene Nystrom