Easily the most complicated setting is g_HeavyWeaponRestriction, and since it's new in ET there doesnt seem to be any explanation to be found, so i'll try a detailed one here. As the name suggests this is used to limit Panzers, flamers… but also artillery.

100 (percent) is default. For soldier weapons it refers to the percentage of the team that can select EACH heavy weapon. e.g., if you set it to 20, and in the game there are 10 players on a team, each side could then have up to two panzerfausts, two flamers, two mg42's and two mortars. If the team has no flamers, this does not allow them to take any additional Panzers.

The Field Ops use of Artillery is also restricted, but is on a per-minuite basis and takes into account the number of Field Ops. The is calculation is something like the following: (thanks in part to Ben & Rain.)

2(g_heavyweaponrestriction * teamsize)
= max number of artillery per team per minuite [capped at 6]

so, if g_heavyweaponrestriction is 20, there are 10 on the team, and there are 2 field ops, between them they can set off
2(0.2*10)= 4 artillery per min
Note that regardless of whatever g_heavyweaponrestriciton is set to, and the number of players, there is a fixed maximum of 6.

So we've worked out how many artillery can be set up per minuite, which is all most people need to know. If you're wondering how this “minuite” is calculated (think about it), read the next paragraph.

The counter starts at 0, and there are 6000msec in a minuite. Every time a player sets off an artillery, 6000/m is added to the counter, and the counter will start counting back down to 0 (m = support fire restriction per min). Once the counter reaches 6000, no more artillery can be fired until it has counted down to under 6000. Since of course the counter never goes below 0, this means in any given minuite there cant be more than m artillery set off, but note fractions do apply - an m of 2.5 will be rounded UP to 3 in the first minuite, but since the leftover msec is carried over, there will be only 2 allowed in the next minuite. Hence on average there can only be 2.5 artillery every minuite. It also means that once the counter has exceeded the cap, you dont have to wait a full minuite for it to count down, in order to fire artillery again.

fá svona á server.. það er bull að hafa eikkera 5+ Panzers í einu liði eða marga FdOps að nauðga óvini með milljón airstrike/artillery<br><br><i>“He the one who rapes she, is sentenced in hell to burn”</i> - <b>jiio</b>

Kveðja Bloodsound
Cosplay, the only thing that makes sense.