FanFiction - Honor Part I For months a war raged between Russia and Germany, whilst the Brit's were counterattacking German's back door through France, the Americans went to Russia to prevent the Germans to fire from their Rail gun.
Approximately 100 soldiers were sent into the freezing depths of Russia. With a great victory none of them survived, this is their story.

–Aug 12, 1942 the coming of the frost–

After many attempts the Americans finally got through into the Rail gun area. A camp was put up and men sent to scout the area, when the Germans reload the rail gun the Americans plan to charge at the thug.
Unfortunately one of the scouts was captured and tortured to death, the Germans had gotten their hands into valuable information.
Whilst the Americans were waiting for the rail gun to reload the Germans made a surprise attack from behind.
When the Americans thought they were goners, a plan was made to escape. Few brave soldiers volunteered as baits, while the others run towards safety.

Afraid and nervous they made their move, the baits ran behind trees and other cover whilst the others ran into safety. Now it's only those few soldiers who are preventing the Germans to follow the others.
Within minutes the bates are shot down, but thankfully the others were saved.

An hour after the surprise attack the Americans headed towards the Train Depot where the ammunition for the rail gun was, by doing so they try to stop them from reloading the rail gun.
But of course they can't just stay at the train depot, that would kill them for they are outnumbered. So they have to split into two groups, Alpha and Bravo. Alpha group with the mission to destroy the gun controls for the rail gun whilst Bravo group defends the Depot.

–Aug 13, 1942 the fight to survive–

The Americans underestimated the Germans, who would have known that they had mortars and artillery. Whilst the Depot is being pounded by artillery the Alpha group came closer and closer towards the rail gun, until couple of guards spotted them skulking around.
This was a fight to survive, the Bravo group couldn't do anything but to stay in cover and the Alpha group were getting bullets flying all over the place, not necessarily the thing you want.
After a long battle the Alpha group planted the dynamite into the gun controls and took cover. While Alpha is taking cover, the Depot was lost. Only a few soldiers got away waiting for a rescue.

Nothing to do but wait the Bravo group found an underground access to resupply.
The Alpha group unfortunately did not know that the Depot was lost and got ambushed, this turned out to be a big disadvantage for the Alpha group, not only did the Germans have more men but the Alpha team had absolutely no cover. So the only thing they could do was to run.
Half of them made it into the underground access, but the others were killed. After the groups reunited, they came up with a plan to stall the firing time for the Russians to come and take out the Germans.

–Aug 14, 1942 a struggle within–

The soldiers came up with many different ideas how to stall the time.
Some thought it should be best to kill all the German Engineers at the location and destroy the gun controls, while others thought it would be better to put mines all over the train tracks and than defend the rail gun.
Than the highest ranking officer explained that killing all the German Engineers would take to long and the same with the mines, so he suggested that they would steal the Thug and take back the Train Depot and hold position there.
Everyone agreed and started forming a plan, while one soldier didn't want anything to do with that plan so he went into hiding to ambush German guards for his pleasure.

There he was alone wondering around in an German uniform trying to find guards to ambush, when he suddenly realized that he was in their base. But the weird part was that there was no-one there, so he realized that perhaps every German in that base is in the Train Depot waiting for the Americans to come.
He still didn't warn them, instead he went to the Train Depot to check it out, he was obsessed by blood and killing.
He was hoping to cut some Germans thoroughly at the Depot but before he got there one of his allied killed him, he didn't realize that it was not an foe.
It was time for the plan to go into progress, but before they could even walk out of the door, the Russians air force came and bombed the entire yard with no survivors.

It was a sad day for the family of those soldiers who died in the battlefield, due to this disaster the Americans and the Russians were in a disorder, but finally got over it.

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'Honor' verður reyndar eiginlega um öll ET vanilla möppin.
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Untill next time..
Cosplay, the only thing that makes sense.