Svona af því að talið barst að Alan Sokal og póstmódernistum langaði mig að sýna ykkur eina snilldarsíðu, Fashionable Dictionary:

Í henni stendur meðal annars:

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

1977 documentary about intergalactic tourism, narrated by Richard Dreyfuss. [Bwahahahahah]


Absurd notion that observation and measurement are useful in getting to know about things (see positivism).

Human Gnome Project

Most likely something to do with genetic engineering. Probably the idea is to create a new race of tiny human beings. [Ég öskraði af hlátri yfir þessu]

Human nature

Fantasy. Fictitious entity, like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy or the free lunch. Humans have no nature, only culture; we can learn to fly, or live in the ocean, or echolocate, or pick things up with our trunks, if we will only concentrate.

Everybody has one, therefore nothing that anyone says is true. Or false. Except of course what I just said - that is true, but it is the only thing that is true. Or is there maybe one other thing…no, no, that's the only one.

1. A bad man.
2. Adjective to use in front of silly words, as in ‘sokalled reason’, ‘sokalled science’, ‘sokalled evidence’.