Sælir mig vantar hub, 8 porta er frekar mikið, ef einhver á 4-5 porta hub væri það snilld, sendið mér línu hér eða á valdimar@bbs.is<br><br>Þess má geta að ég hafi allan tíma verið Beaker so: Screw you Anykey & Topaz !

<div align=“center”><img src="http://www.geraldfield.com/nadinesplace/muppetquiz/beaker.jpg“ width=”125“ height=”108“></div><p align=”center“><b><font size=”3“ color=”#950000“>You are Beaker!</font></b><font color=”#950000“><br><font size=”2“>You are very quiet, and your vocabulary mostly consists of a series of beeps. You don't assert yourself; because of this, you have a tendency to get hurt.</font></font></p><div align=”center“><font size=”1“><b><a href=”http://www.geraldfield.com/cgi-bin/unofficial/quizzes/sfesurvey.cgi?whatmuppetareyou“ target=”_blank“><font color=”#600B0B">Take the <i>What Muppet Are You?</i> Quiz!</font></a></b></font></div