17" Hewlett Packard P720 skjár til sölu. Skjárinn er mjög skýr og með alveg flötum myndlampa.

Hérna er einhverskonar lýsing á skjánum:

“HP P720 - Delivering pixel-level clarity, razor-sharp resolutions, and vivid colors - even on graphics-intense applications. If you need superb image quality, visual comfort and ergonomics, what could be a clearer choice than HP professional line of monitors? HP P720 is a perfectly flat CRT, high resolution, multi-synchronous color monitor. The HP P720 is optimized for use with all Hewlett-Packard computers, and it features excellent graphics, an anti-glare coating to minimize reflection; image adjustment using on-screen display menus, Plug and Play capability that enables the monitor to identify itself in the system in no time.”

MYND: http://auglysinga.vaktin.is/data/3/2608Skj_rinn-large.jpg

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