Causerie Messenger for Palm:Causerie Messenger is a “Unified Instant Messaging” for Palm OS devices which lets users communicate with one another instantly and seamlessly across major instant messaging service networks including MSN, Yahoo, Causerie-Server and Jabber.

Causerie Premier supports roBots (Bots), powerful buddy agents which retrieve real time information like stock, weather, news, currency, traffic info, eBay auction information etc. It also facilitates multi account login of same IM platform.


Always on, “Unified Messenger” (Ability to interact with multiple networks)

Effective buddies maintenance

Classic User Interface

Highly customizable


Robust and excellent performance

Enhanced integration of automated services

Multiple IM accounts of the IM types are supported.


Effective coordination between teams (like sales, marketing etc)

Instantaneous updates on the ?required and important? information (like new sales deal)

Concurrency in information

Reduces management costs to co-ordinate with colleagues in remote places

Reduction in PC and laptop maintenance costs.