Talk about sore losers. ATI will be dropping their line of the X800XT Platinum Edition video cards because the Nvidia 6800 Ultra series cards are the top dog cards for gaming at the moment. ATI feels that they won't try to compete this round as they were so quickly topped.

But ATI is suggesting that come late October or early November, they will be releasing a new card that should turn things around again.

Nvidia, the worlds current holder for the top Video card, has announced that they plan to have their new Nforce chips out by the end of the year with a bunch of new features. One of which is SATA 300. Current SATA (Serial ATA) runs at 150MB per second, which is a step up from Ultra ATA which is 133mbs. The new SATA will achieve speeds of 300mbs per second. More then 2x faster then standard HD's with Ultra ATA.

This would significantly decrease the access times to files on the drive which would increase save times, as well as launching programs.

Also, they plan for their chipset to be able to work with what they call PCI Express 20, current ratings are only PCI Express 16.

Now all they need to do is add DDRII to their motherboards and we'll see the next generation of computer hardware start to evolve.


Þetta er dáltið shock en ég er samt ekki viss hvort þetta er rétt.