Dual AMD rúst Jæja, þá er það loksins komið..

Tyan thunder K7 AMD SMP
Fyrsta AMD dual móðurborðið.

Því er greinilega beint að serveramarkaðnum, því það kostar um $500, er með innbyggt skjákort, hljóðkort(minnir mig), 2x ultra 160 scsi, 2x 100mb 3com netkort, 45°c halla á DDR sdram slottunum sem taka BARA ECC minni, 64 bita pci raufum og öðru gotterí.

Amd gerðist svo gott að senda Anand shimpi ritstjóra anandtech.com eitt eintak af því ásamt tveimur AthlonMP(takið eftir MP) 1.2 ghz örrum.
Hann ber það saman við Dual P4 Xeon 1.7ghz, dual p3 933, dual duron 850 mhz, og dual Athlon 1.2ghz.

Þetta er mjög vel skrifuð grein, byrjar hér http://www.anandtech.com/showdoc.html?i=1483
en ef þið nennið ekki að lesa þetta og viljið fara beint í benchmarks:

Hérna eru nokkrar vel valdnar quotes:
If you're not shocked, you should be. AMD's first try at the server market is without a doubt an incredible success, and we've only shown you one real world benchmark this far. A pair of Athlon MPs running at 1.2GHz on the 760MP are able to complete this 30 minute benchmark run in a little over 12 minutes; that's close to 20% faster than the Dual Xeon 1.7GHz system which happens to have over 50% more memory bandwidth.

Microstation SE is a CAD/Design package that is very stressful when it comes to x87 FPU calculations. This area is where the Athlon has clearly excelled in and the benchmarks definitely prove it. Even the Dual Duron 850 is able to give the Dual Xeon 1.7 a run for its money.

Og að lokum:
If you can't tell by now, we're very impressed with the AMD 760MP chipset. In fact, one of the reasons we spent so long on this comparison is because the outcome of our results would influence what platform we used in our next database server for the AnandTech Forums. The choice is simple; the AMD 760MP is the DP workstation and server platform to have. It's reliable, it's high performing and it's very flexible; everything you'd expect from an Intel based server solution, except that it's from AMD instead.
Three years ago we wouldn't be caught dead recommending an AMD based server solution. Today, we'd be crazy not to do so.

Ég get bara sagt eitt og spurt að einu;
og, hvað haldiði að það verði langt í gjaldþrot hjá intel? :)

da traN
“I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person”