Síðan Amazon.co.uk hefur nýlega tekið af síðu sinni umsagnir sem áttu að hafa verið skrifaðar af Bill Gates og Linus Torvald um stýrikerfið Linux RedHat 7.

Bill á að hafa gefið Redhat 5/5 og sagtst ætla varla aldrei að nota Windows aftur. Linus á að hafa sagt RedHat 7 ekki vera í hálfkvist við eldri útgáfur og að honum hafi langað til að grípa til Windows disksins.

Hér má sjá umsagninar:

Reviewer: William Gates from Redmont USA
It's amazing, a load of smelly hackers sitting around in their basements have wrote a stunning piece of software, and it wasn't us. You wouldn't catch me actually running Windows, hell no-one at work does, you should have seen the fight for the OSX CD when it got delivered! Linux is a good investment for anyone who wants an OS with ‘teeth’.


Reviewer: Linus Torvalds from Finland
Despite fifteen years using Linux (most of those with Red Hat) I would recommend people to actually go out and use Windows. You see the actual Linux OS is not too good, the kernel (core functions) is really bad and the GUI elements feel like they've been stuck on with glue. Red Hat is really the worst of the distros and after ten minutes of using it, you'll be reaching for the Windows CD!

Umsagninar sem voru auðvitað ósannar voru fjarlægðar er hinir réttu Bill Gatar og Linus Torvaldar kvörtuðu við Amazon.co.uk
Mortal men doomed to die!