Aðeins meira um NV30 NVIDIA hafa smám saman verið að gefa út aðeins meiri og meiri upplýsingar um NV30 og hérna er smá samantekt á þeim (smá copy-paste því ég nenni ekki að þýða þetta):

NV30 Facts
There are 51,000,000,000 floating point operations per second in the pixel shader alone. That…
* Can render >100 Jurassic Park dinosaurs at 100 frames per second.
* Is more floating point power than a Cray SV-1 supercomputer.
* Is 30 times Infinite Reality geometry power!

The number of transistors in NVIDIA's next-generation GPU: 125,000,000.

That is…
* 3 times the size of a Pentium 4 microprocessor!
* 35 times the size of NVIDIA's RIVA 128 GPU, released just five years ago!

Svo er hérna smá comment frá snillingnum John Carmack (gerði grafíkvélina fyrir Wolfenstein3D, Doom leikina og Quake leikina, og er núna að gera grafíkvélina fyrir Doom III):
NVIDIA is the first of the consumer graphics chip companies to firmly understand what is going to be happening with the convergence of consumer real-time and professional offline rendering. The architectural decision in NVIDIA's next-generation GPU to allow full floating point precision all the way to the frame buffer and texture fetch, instead of just in internal paths, is a good example of far-sighted planning. It has been obvious to me for some time how things are going to come together, but NVIDIA has made moves on both the technical and company strategic fronts that are going to accelerate the timetable over my original estimations.

My current work on Doom is designed around what was made possible on the original GeForce, and reaches an optimal implementation on NVIDIA's next-generation GPU. My next generation of work will be designed around what is made possible on NVIDIA's next-generation GPU.
- John Carmack, id Software

Þessar upplýsingar eru vægast sagt farnar að gera mig ansi spenntan fyrir Comdex hátíðinni þar sem hulunni verður svipt af NV30. Einnig sýnist mér að það megi fastlega gera ráð fyrir því að Doom III muni notfæra sér eitthvað af þessum krafti í NV30 kortinu til þess að gera leikinn enn flottari en hægt er á eldri skjákortum.
