***Changes from 2223 to 2199 are listed below:
- allow several different default characters. Change the default character by
adding the following line
to the [xGame.xPawn]
section of your user.ini file:
where aname can be “Gorge” (the default), “Sapphire”, “Malcolm”. “Mokara”,
“Rapier”, “Brutalis”, or “Roc”
- fixed no instigator bug with goop and grenades if killer was blown up before
making kill.
- added new mutator “DelayedSpawn”. This mutator delays the initial spawning of
superweapons and super
powerups (like UDamage, superhealth, and supershield)
- fixed sporadic problem with giving assist credit to players not involved in
flag capture in CTF
- fixed sporadic problem with pawns not animating on clients
- Fix adding in an extra bot when you've chosen custom bots and are spectating.
- custom bots stay on the teams they were put on, and ignore team balancing in
standalone games.
- The player who changes the color of the DDOM point scores the 5 points, not
the last player.
- fixed bug where could sometimes translocate into static meshes
- spectators can only chat with spectators if bPartitionSpectators config option
is true. This option is
false by default,
and can be made true by adding bPartitionSpectators=true to the
[Engine.BroadCastHandler] section of your
UT2003.ini file.
- support for new brighter teamskins (set by bright skins option in the Game
Rules tab). You must have
BrightSkins patch downloaded for this to work. (brightskins is client-side
- fixed displaying name of player who returned flag in flag return message
- announce name of scorer in bombing run
- “use map bot count” always adds at least 3 bots for team games
- no time limits in LMS or Invasion
- fixed joining LMS server as spectator after match has started not limited to
only spectator slots
- added configurable GameInfo property LateEntryLives. Defaults to 1. This is
how many lives another
player can have
lost and you can still join, for a maxlives game like LastManStanding.
- fixed IronDeity shield spawning
- fixed CTF-DoubleDammage camouflage mesh
- fixed weapon throwing on listen server clients
- projectiles can affect dead bodies in net games
- improved scoreboard support for long names
- server side control for turning off weapon viewshake by adding the following
line to the
[engine.gameinfo] section
of your UT2003.ini file:
- new configurable property to prevent shield stacking of small shields. To
disable shieldstacking, add
the following line to the
[UnrealGame.DeathMatch] section of your UT2003.ini file:
- zoom supershockrifle firing through multiple people now configurable (true by
default). To change, add
the following
lines to your UT2003.ini (server side):
- no superweapons in mutant
- fixed auto-slope. Since this wasn't functioning before, you may have it
turned on accidentally.
- added configurable property to control screen flash brightness, with values
between 0 and 1 (1 is the
To modify this property, add the following line to the [Engine.PlayerController]
section of your user.ini
- added new mutator “UTClassic” ,with its own server browser icon. Modifies the
weapons to feel more like
the original UT's weapons:
All weapons do more damage.
Slower weapon switching.
Shieldgun charges faster, slightly longer range, less self damage for impact
Minigun firing modes switched, no lockdown effect
Shockrifle regular fire slower, does more damage. Combos take less ammo.
Slowed down rocket firing rate.
Sniper rifle faster firing, no secondary hit damage.
Bio charged up damage relatively lower (countered general weapon damage
Flak alt fires up a little more.
Translauncher more ammo, recharges faster, transbeacon fired up more
FOV and eyeheight adjusted
- added configurable properties to UTClassic to control double jumping. These
are all enabled by default.
To disable, add
the following section to your UT2003.ini file:
Setting bCanDoubleJump to false turns off all double jumping. Setting
bCanWallDodge=false turns off wall
Setting bCanDodgeDoubleJump=false turns off doublejumping after dodging.
- added option for visible centered weapons.
- added option to have smaller first person weapons. Off by default. This
option is found in the
Settings|Player menu, or can be changed in the user.ini
by adding bSmallWeapons=true to the [Engine.PlayerController] section.
- fixed inaccurate replication of remaining translocator charge, causing players
not to be able to fire
when they seemed to still have charge
- all projectiles and shock beam centered with hidden weapons
- fixed shieldgun autofire misfires
- added more weapon not firing debugging. If your weapon stops firing, type
getweaponstats at the
console. Then, continue trying to fire your
weapon, so more stats can be gotten. Both client and server must be upgraded to
this patch.
- fixed shield gun fire effect when weapon hidden.
- fixed transbeacon leaving flare behind when crushed by mover.
- telefragging always gibs.
- ion painter warms up a little faster
- added configurable property to have translocator aim up more like original UT.
This client-side option
can be enabled by adding the following line to the [xGame.xPlayer] section of
your user.ini file:
- fixed lightning gun muzzleflash positioning in third person
- improved redeemer guiding
- sniper rifle zoomed visible area expanded
- custom weapon crosshairs: You can specify custom crosshairs and crosshair
colors for each weapon. To
do this, add the
following lines to the appropriate weapon section in your User.ini file:
where CustomCrosshair can have any value between 0 and 13, and the Crosshair
color is in 8 bit RGBA
format. You can also use your
own custom textures (after importing them into a utx) by adding
CustomCrosshairTextureName=“package.texture” (where package is the
name of the UTX package, and texture is the name of the texture in the package.
- 4 digit fph
- fixed bot auto skill adjustment
- added custom bot AI configuration menu
- bots don't try to link with you if you are linking with them
- only use bots with upl menu strings “SP”, “DUP”, or “UNLOCK”
- performance improvement when trying to find path to dropped flags or bombs.
Also added NotReachableBy()
event to Decoration, so flags and
other game objects can be notified if they aren't reachable.
- improved bot AI for mutant game
- fixed low-skill AI problems in DOM-Junkyard
- fixed bots don't change weapon at end of match, and always play victory anim
if winner
- Improved bPreloadAllSkins for team games.
- set bShouldPreload (in [Engine.LevelInfo] section of UT2003.ini) to true on
initial configuration for
systems with over 512 MB of memory.
This makes these systems preload all skins, reducing hitches in network play.
- fixed occasional crash when switching levels for servers with bots
- vampire mutator shows up in server settings
- dynamic netspeed adjust to deal with connections with variable effective
bandwidth. Can be turned off
in the settings|network menu.
- fixed distance fog based network relevancy culling.
- fixed addnamedbot exec function. This is used by web admin, so adding bots
through web admin now works
correctly as well.
- fixed client upstream bandwidth not always capped properly by server
- added -nocheat parameter to commandline to disable cheat prevention
- added ability to disable the security fix in networking (for testing purposes)
- only allow netspeed changes from console once every 15 seconds
- server version displayed in server browser and ingame server info (F2).
- fixed ghost players on server
- fixed Invasion not ending if server side demo recording
- fixed redirected download file size and percentage indicator
- New Mutator function OverrideDownload giving servers the chance to
override a redirect URL on a per-user basis, eg to give priority
redirect access to your clanmates.
- To customize bots without using the custom bot config menu, add a
[UnrealGame.CustomBotConfig] section
to your UT2003.ini.
Then add lines like this one to the section:
CharacterName = the bot character you are modifying
PlayerName = the name to override the character name with
All the AI settings range from 0 to 1, with 0.5 as the default value.
- fixed server browser having hidden filtering options still enabled when
filters looked cleared.
- fixed disconnected/kicked players taking a long time to have their connection
- more networking improvements, particularly for higher ping clients
- moved “now viewing” in spectator mode to right side of HUD
- show proper HUD color in first person view when spectating in network games
- fixed link gun alt-fire obscuring view in spectate behindview 0
- show proper score in DM network games in top left hand corner of HUD
/behindview 0
- fixed spectator showing up on scoreboard on server with no players
- show flag messages in first person view when spectating another player
- fixed invasion spectating when join as spectator
Mod support:
- Exposed many internal karma simulation constants for mod developers to
tweak: Gamma (Relaxation Rate), Epsilon (Constraint Compliance),
Penetration Offset and Scale, Contact Softness, Max Contact Penetration,
Max Karma Timestep, Max Karma Speed and Max Ragdoll Speed. Use
KSet/GetSimParams inside Actor to modify them. NOTE: Changes to these
take affect until you quit the game!
- use %20 in URL redirects for files with spaces
- umod installer AddIni fix
- added bNeverSever property for DamageType
- added PreventSever() to gamerules
- weapon config menu uses actor skin if different from default weapon skin
- User logs now save to \UserLogs
- Added force feedback support for devices other than mice (thanks Jason Fleming
of Immersion).
* Gamepads, sticks, wheels and mice usable as force feedback devices
* Wheels (1-axis) devices can play 2-axis effects, rather than failing
* Feedback device not initialized if all feedback settings disabled at startup
* Shutdown feedback system by unchecking all feedback settings in menu
* Start feedback system when first feedback setting checked in menu
- added unique sunlight actor icon (for editor)
- The Loading Map screen is now configurable for mods (GameEngine.LoadingClass)
- added -USERLOGO=, .BMP must be in \Help
- added ReplicationViewer and ReplicationViewTarget to LevelInfo. These are
valid during replication,
showing for what
viewer replication is currently occuring. Useful for creating more complex
replication conditions.
- fixed not being able to do same taunt or othe AnimAction twice in a row
- fixed invisibility on pawns with more than 2 skins on their mesh (up to 4
skins now supported - they
must all be
referenced in the skins array).
- Added PokeTerrain function to TerrainInfo.
PokeTerrain( vector WorldLocation, int Radius, int MaxDepth )
All values are in world units. It pushes a squashed sphere into the
terrain at the location specified. Negative MaxDepth values will raise
the terrain at the specified location.
Note that you should perform a trace first and ensure a TerrainInfo is
returned. Call the function at the trace's hit location. Static
projectors such as tree shadows have their data precomputed and the
shadow will not move if you dig a hole in terrain beneath them. Sorry!
- Added check to prevent webserver from being spawned on client
- Addressed some cleanup issues with QueryHandlers
- Fixed bug with special characters in game settings (&, , etc.)
- Added reverse sorting to player listing
- Fixed bug with sorted lists that caused new items that were added to be
dropped under certain
- Fixed bug that only allowed a managed group to be removed from a user if the
user was a member of that
- Fixed bug with IP Policies not reflecting whether policy was “Accept” or
“Deny” policy
- Fixed bug with webadmin not allowing IP addresses containing wildcards to be
added to the banned IP list
- Fixed bug that allowed IP addresses with more than 4 octets to be added to the
banned IP list
- Fixed links in webadmin remaining active if admin does not have any privileges
applicable to that Query
- Addressed webadmin textboxes not allowing values longer than the width of the
- Added support for custom skins for webadmin (documentation coming soon)
- Added fix to prevent admin privileges from “leaking” across threads (very very
- Added support for creating outgoing connections from within webadmin (to
easily include remote content
in webadmin)
- Fixed bug with giving users privilege to change bot skill level
- Updated bot page so that you can add bots with stats enabled if there are
still bots in the game
- Implemented “Kick Bots”, “Change WebAdmin Skin”, and “Game Status” privileges
- Added Game Status readout to Current Game page
- Fixed fallback materials for DM-Rustatorium and DOM-Junkyard
- fixed OpenGL bug causing degrading performance after level changes with the
NV_VAR/ APPLE_VAR codepath (thanks to Thomas Fortier @ ATI for pointing it
- fixed gamma for Editor if running on DX9 system
- fixed bug in D3DDrv which caused it to never release the D3D device
- added “nogamma” commandline option
- fixed “firstcoloredmips X” for DXT textures
- updated DefOpenAL32.dll
- Add MusicSkip console command to skip tracks in OGGPlayer
- Fixed possible problems with OGGPlayer
- Add “Play List” button to player setup
- fixed audio spatialization (thanks to Daniel Peacock @ Creative for the fix)
- fixed sound precaching bug <br><br>
UT2003= [SoS]Lalli
UT= SoS-Death Knight
CS= ]MU[“hvað sem er”

“Life is hell, enjoy it”
(my philoshopy)