Ég var að skoða mig um á einhverjum netsíðum þegar ég fann það út að það á að koma út nýr leikur frá Black Isle tölvuleikjaframleiðendunum. Leikurinn heitir Lionheart og hann á að gerast í Evrópu árið 1588 og fjallar um að eitthvað skeði þannig að víddir á milli heima opnuðust og undarlegir andar og mættir sluppu inn í okkar heim. Þessu er betur útskýrt frá hérna niðri (fyrir þá sem kunna ensku).

“It is 1588 A.D., a critical year of an alternate history hauntingly familiar yet fantastically alien to our own. Because of one fateful event during the Third Crusade, the history of this world diverged. This event, the Disjunction, ripped open a long-sealed breach to other worlds. Magic energy and powerful spirits flowed into the world, changing the lands and the people forever. For those who could comprehend the nature of these new forces, the introduction of magic brought great power. To the common folk, magic was something to be feared and undoubtedly the handiwork of evil demons. People across Europe sought protection from the forces of evil and therefore relinquished utter control of their lives to the Inquisition. To this day, the Inquisition still governs most of civilized Europe, directly or indirectly. In their relentless hunt for heretical wizards and magical creatures the Inquisition inspires awe and faith among many, and is despised and feared by others. This widespread disparity, continued suspicion of wizards and witches and all things magical, and the constant threat from all manner of beasts cast a shadow over civilization, stunting the Renaissance and keeping the people in an enduring Dark Age.

Cast into this world, you are a character of your own devices, strengths, and abilities. Set upon by human factions and powerful spirits, you must decide how to best develop your skills in order to triumph over obstacles that lie between you and your true fate.”

Þetta var tekið frá heimasíðu Black Isle og ég vona að þessi leikur komi til Íslands fyrir jól.

E.S: Allir ættu að horfa á Wrestling. Það er allger snilld! Það er á sky sports one á föstu- og laugardagskvöldum. Enjoy!!!