Fyrstu upplýsingarnar um Treebeard eru að koma.
Eins og sumir vita þá talar John Rhys Davies fyrir Treebeard, en JRD leikur Gimla.

Verði ykkur að góðu. Hljómar nokkuð spennandi:

Anyhow, another interesting note on what JRD had to say. Someone asked him what Treebeard sounded like, and I think the person just wanted him to speak in Treebeard's voice, but the answer was much more interesting. It appears they have not recorded the dialogue for Treebeard yet. He said they were finding it tricky to come up with a way to be true to the Book's description of Treebeard speaking in a rather slow, methodical manner, and making it cinematic. In otherwords, Treebeard's speech pattern may be too slow for the pacing a film needs to keep the audience interested. He is confident they will come up with something, but was able to give us another hint. Since Treebeard is just about the oldest living thing in Middle Earth, he will have travelled everywhere, and met just about every race in existence, with the exception of Hobbits, of course. Because of this, he will have learned many languages and dialects, and therefore, might be prone to speaking with many different accents at the same time. In otherwords, one sentence may come out rather Elvish sounding, but another may sound Gondorian. It's clear they are putting a lot of thought into this, and it sounds like a fascinating process. I can't wait to see what they do come up with in the end.
“And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.”
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