“The Lord of the Rings” executive producer Mark Ordesky hinted that there may also be a movie based on Tolkien's novel, The Hobbit. “There could be a movie about the hobbit. Enough said.”

Jackson said New Line Cinema had yet to speak to him about The Hobbit and said there were some difficulties related to the rights for the book. “But certainly if they want to talk to me about it I'd be keen. It would be wonderful to complete the set of films.”

After the “The Return of the King” premiere, Jackson will get to work on turning the theatrical movie into an extended DVD version<br><br>Kettir eru fremur viðkvæm dýr sem geta þjáðst af ýmsum kvillum. Ég hef þó aldrei vitað til þess að köttur ætti erfitt með svefn. Joseph Wood Krutch
Kettir eru fremur viðkvæm dýr sem geta þjáðst af ýmsum kvillum. Ég hef þó aldrei vitað til þess að köttur ætti erfitt með svefn. Joseph Wood Krutch