Then Varda went forth from the council, and she looked out from the height of Taniquetil, and beheld the darkness of Middle-earth beneath the innumerable stars, faint and far. Then she began a great labor, greatest of all the works og the Valar since their coming into Arda. She took the silver dews from the vats of Telperion, and therewith she made new stars and brighter against the coming of th firstborn; wherefore she whose name name out of the deeps of time and the labours of Eä was Tintallë, the Kindler, was called after by the Elves Elentári, Queen of the stars. Carnil and Luinil, Nénar and Lumbar, Alcarinquë and Elemmírë she wrought in that time, and many other og the ancient stars she gathered together and set as signs in the heavens of Arda: Wilwarin, Telumendil, Soronúmë, and Anarríma; and Menelmacar with his shining belt, that forebodes the Last Battle that shall be at the end of days. And high in the north as a challenge to Melkor she set the crown of seven mighty stars to swing, Valacirca, the Sickle of the Valar and a sign of doom.
(The Silmarillion)

Well….. Ég átta mig á því að þessi grein er ekki mikið annað en tilvitnanir þar sem að ég hef ekkert sérstaklega merkilegt að segja.
Málið er allavega það að mér hefur alltaf fundist geðveikt flott hvernig Tolkien notar stjörnurnar í verkum sínum. Hann tekur öll raunverulegu stjörnumerkin og skýrir þau upp á nýtt og gefur þeim nýa merkingu. Valacirca er til dæmis stjörnumerkið stóri björninn. Dvergarnir kalla þetta stjörnumerki Durins crown og hobbitarnir kalla það einfaldlega sigðina. Menelmacar er stjörnumerkið Orion og skýnandi beltið hanns eru þrjár stjörnur sem eru í röð, þær eru þektar hér á Íslandi sem Fjósakonurnar.

It is told that even as Varda ended her labours, and they were long. when first Menelmacar strode up the sky and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children og the Earth awoke, The Firstborn of Ilúvatar. By the starlit mere of Cuiviénen, Water of Awakening, they rose from the sleep of Ilúvatar; and while they dwelt yet silent by Cuiviénen their eyes beheld first of all things the stars of heaven. Therefore they have ever loved the starlight, and have revered Varda Elentári above all the Valar.
(The Silmarillion)

Svo eru það náttúrulega álfarnir. Álfarnir hálf tilbiðja stjörnurnar. Annaðhvort ljóð sem að þeir singja fjallar um Elbereth og stjörnurnar.

A Elbereth Gilthoniel,
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath!
Na-chaered palan-díriel
o galadhremmin ennorath,
Fanuilos, le linnathon
nef aear, sí nef aearon

Einhver frægasta settningin á Quenya er: Elen síla lúmenn omentielvo. Eða, May a star shine on the hour of our meting. Þetta er svona formleg heilsa en allavega, pointið er að álfar geta ekki sagt halló án þess að mynnast á stjörnurnar.

Far above the Ephel Dúath in the West the night-sky was still dim and pale. There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beuty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.
(Return of the king)
Lacho calad, drego morn!