Halló allir.. Hér á eftir er ritgerð sem ég skrifaði eftir að hafa lesið bókina The hobbit í ensku og vildi fá að vita hvað ykkur finnst.
Endilega svarið hreinskilnislega.. *MN*

(Þetta kemur að sjálfsögðu ekki fullkomnlega út þar sem þetta var sett upp í ritgerðarformi með myndum og öðru, sorry about that!)

J. R. R. Tolkien

Written by the late J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit is a fun, exciting story, inspired with Tolkiens creative imagination and filled with wonderfully original creatures such as goblins, orcs, dwarfs, elves, hobbits & many of other kinds. The story is set in a whole new world Tolkien has created as well as the characters.
Reading the story, you will find yourself disappearing into this world of his, experiencing the adventures that the fascinating creatures of the story are and seeing those beautiful mountains, towns and forests the writer has so brilliantly created.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born January the 3rd 1892, in Bloemfontein, South Africa but moved in his early days to Britain. He had a rich passion for these fantasies when he started to make up an ancient language of elves, dwarfs and men. Then later began to create the world of their own.
When Tolkiens children started asking him for a story regularly he took his notes and wrote a fairytale around them. That is how The Hobbit came to be!

It was first published September the 21st in 1937 and Tolkien received many awards for his work. It sold in over 35 million copies all over the world and translated into 25 languages.

The readers of The Hobbit later began to write Tolkien letters, asking for more about The Hobbits. The publishers were also very positive about the idea of a sequel so Tolkien took up his pen and started writing The lord of the rings. But it was a long wait for the fans; the story was not finished until 1949.

When Tolkien died in 1973, he left a lot of unpublished stories that took place long before The lord of the rings. It was altogether about 60.000 pages. Also they found a lot of unfinished stories. He obviously did not know when or were to stop!

Every year a British Tolkien-unity goes to see Tolkiens grave, sing a song in elfish, and remember one of the centuries greatest writers.


Hobbits are little people, about half our hight, even smaller than the bearded dwarfs. Hobbits have no beards. They are inclined to be fat in the stomack; they dress in bright colours and have brown curly hair. They never wear shoes. They don´t have to because their feet grow natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair, curly like that which is on their heads. They have very kind, innocent faces, laugh deep, fruity laughs and just love to eat; (they have breakfist, second breakfist, lunch, tea, dinner & supper!) and their pantries are always filled with cakes & and cookies and other delights.

The Hobbits live in clean, warm and beautiful hobbit-holes. They are comfort loving, un-ambitious and love their homes. They hate nothing more than the thougt of silly, little things like adventures or anything unexpected!
The Hobbits like to have visitors, stay home and smoke their pipe. They hate being disturbed by stupid folk like you and me.
But this story tells us about a special hobbit, a Baggins in fact, and the exciting adventures he had with the 13 dwarfs and a wizard, called Gandalf.

Bilbo Baggins

Bilbo Baggins was the name of this hobbit. One morning, when Bilbo was standing outside his door, smoking his pipe a wizard named Gandalf, Gandalf the gray, you might call him, came along, looking for someone to join him in an adventure he was arranging. But Bilbo would not hear of those nasty little, disturbing things and could not see why anyone would. So he hushed him self inside but politely exused himself. Only not to seem rude, he asked Gandalf to join him for a cup of tea the next day.

The next morning there was a knock on the door. But it was not Gandalf, it was a dwarf with a blue beard tucked into his golden belt. Dwalin, the dwarf, introdused himself and walked in as if he had been expected. Again there is a knock on Bilbos green round door, and there stood Dwalins brother, Balin. Of caurse Bilbo was surprised but hobbits are always hospitible, so he served them tea and coffee. That way more dwarfs appeared one after another, Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur and last but not least Thorin and Gandalf.
Bilbo gets more than surprised of this but he still ceeps on serving his guests. Before he knows, his pantries are almost empty and he sits down, exhausted, with the other forteen and listens to them talk about this adventurous journey they plan to leave for the next morning. He gets more and more curious though he defenitly plans to stay clear of those things; ‘Adventures!’.

The dwarfs’ plan is to get to The lonely mountain and claim their long lost gold, (dwarfs are great miners and adore gold and treasures) guarded by Smaug the magnificent, a dangerous dragon that stole it from them when the dwarfes lived by the mountain. The next day before the dwarfes go off, Gandalf manages to trick Bilbo in to finding his desire to join them, getting at least one fourteenth of all the gold! At first some of the dwarfes didn´t see any reason to take along a useless hobbit, one who hardly does anything but eat and smoke his pipe, but later Bilbo would even surprise him self with his resourcefulness, bravery and skill as a burglar!
So the fifteen head of towards the lonely mountain, but it´s a riscky and dangerous trip and on their way they run in to all sorts of horrible creatures such as goblins, giant spiders and trolls. But it has its lighter moments as well: good fellowship, welcome meals, laughter and song.