Skil nú ekki hvað fólk er að gera með þennan síðasta söludag yfileitt

Ég nota nú bara aðferðina sem Patou kennir okkur og hún er svona í meginatriðum:

1. If its green dont eat it

2. If it tastes like shit, dont eat it

3. If you just ate shit go wash your mouth, if it still tastes like shit after that, dont eat it.

4. If it has insects and stuff comming out of it, dont eat it

5. If it looks/smells weird, dont eat it

6. If it looks like its gonna eat you, dont eat it.

7. If its alive dont eat it, exept of caurse you can use it for evil, then eat it.

Hrmhpf, vona að fleiri taki upp þessa heimspeki<br><br>-Friðu