Smá lesning fyrir ykkur ævintýramennina sem eruð staðráðnir í skaðleysi ofskynjunarefna:
Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder is a long-term visual disorder caused by taking hallucinogens. It is a recognised condition described in DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) under Diagnostic Code: 292.89. The DSM is the standard manual for mental disorders used by psychologists and psychiatrists in the United States. In the DSM III, HPPD was referred to as Post Hallucinogen Perception Disorder (PHPD) and this phrase is often still used. In the 1960s and 1970s, HPPD was often included under the umbrella term “flashbacks”. Although flashbacks and persisting perceptual disorders are distinct problems, the two may be associated. Unlike flashbacks, HPPD is most often characterized by continual visual interference rather than a series of acute attacks.

In mild cases, subjects occasionally experience minor visual distortions. In its most severe forms, subjects have a full range of LSD-like visual effects such as tracers, color trails, and distorted object sizes on an ongoing basis. A more complete list of symptoms can be found in the Symptoms section of this FAQ. Severe HPPD is very debilitating and subjects often seek psychiatric help.

However, some people with severe HPPD got it after their first trip. From the evidence so far, it appears that if you are prone to HPPD, then you have a good chance of getting it after only a few experiences. This is based on informal surveys of people on HPPD discussion forums and a handful of published case reports. Some of the published papers suggest that there is evidence that some people are genetically more likely to get HPPD, but we have been unable to find the references which describe this.

Many HPPD subjects got HPPD after an early hallucinogen experience. It may even have been their first. They had no warning signs.

Mér er persónulega alveg sama hvað hver og einn gerir útaf fyrir sig, hættið bara að reyna sannfæra fólk um að fíknin ykkar sé skaðlaus.

Bætt við 4. september 2010 - 13:03
Til að leiðrétta misskilning og 1/3 svaranna hérna þá er eftirfarandi:
Mér er persónulega alveg sama hvað hver og einn gerir útaf fyrir sig, hættið bara að reyna sannfæra fólk um að fíknin ykkar sé skaðlaus.

Beint til þeirra sem eru að boða skaðleysi vímuefna á huga, ekki bara sveppa heldur kannabis, mdma o.s.frv.
Ég veit vel að sveppir eru ekki líkamlega ávanabindandi.