Ok, hvað finnst hugurum um hana Svölu ?
Skoða myndir og mjög stutt viðtal <a href="http://www.stuffmagazine.com/hype/who/“>hér.</a>

Hluti af því sem hún segir ;)
”I have a Hotmail account, and fans send me personal e-mails. Guys that are horny and that kind of stuff, but I just play off of it. I don’t respond to anything that’s disgusting. But if they’re guys that have a little crush, I say thanks.“
<br><br><b>Kv. EstHer</b> <img src=”http://www.freakygamers.com/smilies/images/angel.gif“>
– Sendu mér <a href=”http://www.hugi.is/forsida/bigboxes.php?box_type=userinfo&user=EstHerP&syna=msg“>skilaboð</a> eða <a href=”mailto:esther1@simnet.is">e-mail</a> –
Kv. EstHer