ooh það er kominn nýr svoleiðis linkur en þessi er bestur. eftirfarandi er hvað stendur á honum

Hi all, and welcome.

Please let me explain to you why i created this website. All of the following story is real.

I recently went out with a beautiful girl named Katy. I thought we were a such great couple, everything was cool, up to the day where I found her in OUR bed with another guy.

You can understand how I felt when I saw that : I broke immediatly up with this bitch, and I wanted to revenge myself.

And I remembered the photos I had from her… You understood, I decided to put them photos online, and I hope that as much people as possible will see them photos.

Here is a link, it's YOUR link. You can give this link to your friends, and the more people click on it, the more photo you'll be able to see. There are 77 photos : one click = one additionnal photo. If 100 people click on your link, a video ofJuliawill appear.

Your link is :

er ég eini að sjá einhvað rangt við þetta….

btw nei ég ætla ekki að segja ykkur vefsíðuna langar ekki að fá endalaust af þessum svörum og ég veit að þessa vefsíður eru “fjöldaframleiddar”
[url=http://www.hugi.is/forsida/functions/user.func.php?action=logout][color=red]TheRaggi er stjórnandi hér[/color][/url]