Ég horfi ekki á raunveruleikaþætti og svo sannarlega ekki á Idolið en ég rakst á þessa grein fyrir slysni:

Obesity Campaigner's “Death Threats” Over Sparks Remarks

An obesity campaigner who criticized American Idol winner Jordin Sparks' weight has received death threats over her remarks. MeMe Roth, of the National Action Against Obesity group in the U.S., admits she has been the victim of hate-mail ever since her appearance on a TV show, with fans of the star “calling for my death.” But Roth refuses to retract her opinions, and insists 17-year-old Sparks is in need of severe weight loss, but denies she referred to the singer as “obese.” She tells The Scoop, “When I look at Jordin I see diabetes, I see heart disease, I see high cholesterol. That's what's so sad about this - she is not the vision of health - she is the vision of ‘unhealth’. Her extra weight is a reflection of today's society and a culture where many of our children have compromised health due to unhealthful food choices and inactivity … We have to stop with the ‘baby fat,’ ‘curvy,’ ‘goddess’ euphemisms and own this child health crisis.”

Þetta er hún: http://www.imdb.com/gallery/granitz/6154/Events/6154/JordinSpa_Jemal_14147505_400.jpg.html?path=pgallery&path_key=Sparks,%20Jordin

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Þetta eru umræður um hana: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2554052/board

Eins og þið sjáið… er fólk fífl.

Lesið nokkra þræðina þarna. Ef þið eruð sammála því að þetta sé vandamál: Skjótið ykkur strax.

Við vitum öll að anorexía er ekki vandamál og feitu fólki á að eyða. Ekki satt?