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Hi *nafn mitt hér*,

It's been a while since you used Snapfish. According to the terms of the service, you need to place an order at least once a year to keep your account active.

With more than 30 million customers now using Snapfish to store more than a billion photos, the terms of service require that you place an order to reactivate your account for another 12 months. Even ordering a 12¢ print will do.

Please act by APR 18, 2007, or your online photos will be deleted.

mér finnst þetta ógeðslega hallærislegt! ekki eru þeir virkilega að meina að þeir ætli að eyði hverri einustu mynd sem ég hef sett þangað inn?! ég verð bandvitlaus ef þeir gera það! hefur einhver annar lent í þessu sem notar snapfish?