To: Icelandic Goverment and Shop owners

Vid, undirritud, viljum motmala hau verdi á smokkum á Islandi.
Vid teljum thad vera alveg einstaklega oabyrgt af halfu stjornvalda ad innheimta skatta af voru sem er besta vornin gegn utbreidslu kynsjukdoma sem getur heftad utbreidslu á kynsjukdomum og thad fyrsta sem unglingar nota til að koma í veg fyrir otimabarar thunganir.
Tha viljum vid hvetja kaupmenn til að hafa alagningu á smokkum eins laga og mogulegt er.
Smokkar er vara sem a að vera adgengileg fyrir alla. En einsog staðan er i dag tha eru smokkar alltof dyrir.

Vid hvetjum alla Islendinga til að standa saman vorð um kynheilsu okkar og komandi kynsloda og skrifa nafnid sitt her undir til ad motmala hau verdi á smokkum.

(afsakid en thessi sida leyfir ekki islenska stafi)

We, the undersigned, want to oppose the high price of condoms in Iceland.
We believe it is irresponsible of the goverment to charge extra taxes on condoms, since they are the best protection agaist sexually transmitted diseases and often the first contreception teenagers use.
We want Icelandic store owners to keep prices on condoms as low as possible and not overcharge.
Condoms should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their age and financial status. Today the condom price is overly high.

We plead to the Icelandic nation to show unifacation and protest these high prices and guard our sexual health and for the generations to come.
