hvernig lýst ykkur á gripin!

Silvía Night - Congratulations Iceland
Hey you, seriously cool, I’m talking to you
I’m Silvia Night shining in the light
I know you want me

Born in Reykjavík, real talented, no hill-billie freak
I know I’ll win the fucking finals, the others ain’t in

Congratulations Iceland, I was born here
I’m Silvia Night and I have no fear
Eurovision nation gets a chill when I come
I’m born to win this thing, where I am from
töff, töff, töff

My song, seriously cool, no 90’s filthy shit
It’s tough okay, it isn’t gay
I’ve come here to stay
The other bitches are all soiled
but I am unspoiled
You love me you worship me, but still just so hopeless

Congratulations Iceland, I was born here
I’m Silvia Night and I have no fear
Eurovision nation gets a chill when I come
I’m born to win this thing, where I am from
je!, je!, je!

Iceland, Congratulations Iceland, Congratulations Iceland, Congratulations Iceland, Congratulations Iceland, Congratulations Iceland, Congratulations Iceland, Congratulations Iceland.Ring ring ringRing ring ring Ring ring ring Ring ring ring

Congratulations Iceland, I was born here
I’m Silvia Night and I have no fear
Eurovision nation gets a chill when I come
I’m born to win this thing, where I am from

Congratulations Iceland, I was born here
I’m Silvia Night and I have no fear
Eurovision nation gets a chill when I come
I rock this contest, get plenty of points
töff, töff, töff

Viktor Hrafn Guðmundsson

persónulega finnst mer íslenski textin vera betri en þessi…:/