Þegar ég var yngri og var í Víðistaðaskóla í Hafnarfirði átti ég pennavin í Afríku. Ég ákvað að skrifa niður eitt af bréfunum sem ég sendi til hans:

“Hello Nugoo, how are you. I'm fine here in Iceland. I'ts almost christmas and there is snow everywere. I have eaten so much candy and cookies that I felt sick. You should eat some candy too, you looked a bit skinny on the photo you sent me. What are you going to ask santa for christmas? I think I'll be getting a new computer….

Why do you let lions eat people over there in Africa. Is everyone just loosers over there. Here in Europe we put lions in cages, but not people. And we have mini-lions that we keep as pets. We call them kisur. I heard that hippos are the most dangeous animals over there and elephants are really dangerous too. Hippos kill the most people in Africa, more than lions. I think thats really bad that you can't run away from the fattest animal in the country. Hippos and elephants are kind of like the Icelandic fattest animal called Beljur. They are really fat. But over here we just kick them if they try anything. I think in the old days, when we we were stupiter, we used spears like you do now. But now we are a lot smarter. Beljur use to eat people I think, but the Vikings trained them to eat grass in stead!…

Well merry christmas Nugoo Samjiman. I sent you a fun computer game called ”Space Invaders". I hope you and your friend, Mr. Brown will like it,

Best wishes,
Ólafur Kristján
