Re:Recruiting (Burning Karma) (Score:5, Funny)
by Jadrano (641713) on Saturday January 25, @12:28PM (#5157321)

When you meet a follower of the current US administration's doctrine: 1. Punch him in the face as hard as you can 2. As long as he hasn't fallen to the ground repeat step 1 3. Tell him that it was necessary to punch him because otherwise he might have punched you or gained the abilitry to punch you in a few years 4. When he is getting up again, this shows that you were right, the likelihood of him punching you in the future rises again. Therefore continue with 1. Repeat all this until he admits that the idea of pre-emptive strikes was not meant to be used by anyone else, is actually the same like the “right” of the stronger and doesn't make sense as a general principle.

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