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Og svo þetta leikjadæmi hef ég fengið um það bil 90 sinnum

“This E-Mail is never sent unsolicited. If you receive this
E-Mail then it is because you have subscribed to the official
newsletter at the KOF ONLINE website.

King Of Fighters is one of the greatest action game ever made.
Now after the mind boggling sucess of KOF 2001 SNK proudly
presents to you KOF 2002 with 4 new charecters.

Even though we need no publicity for our product but this
time we have decided to give away a fully functional trial
version of KOF 2002. So check out the attached trial version
of KOF 2002 and register at our official website to get a free
copy of KOF2002 original version

Best Regards,

Svo mörg fleiri lík þessu. Er einhver alda að ganga yfir?
<br><br>kv. sbs / listen to the wise man! (prophet's song)
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